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For instance, immense pains were taken, by means of printed rules and official memoranda, to acquaint us with the procedure to be followed at each point of entrainment or embarkation. Consequently we set out upon our complicated pilgrimage primed with explicit instructions and ready for any emergency.

Finally, however, permission was given to the Association to begin work with the troops before embarkation. Upon arrival in Bombay, our secretaries called upon the Commanding Officer, who had wired to the General at Headquarters to know what he could do to hold his discontented troops together in the flooded and crowded quarters about the docks.

Maurice was shut in between Nieuport on one side and the archduke's army on the other, planted as it was on the only road of retreat. Had Albert entrenched himself, Maurice must either have attacked at great disadvantage or attempted embarkation in the face of his enemy.

Embarkation of the party in the boats, and voyage down the Morumbidgee The skiff swamped by striking on a sunken tree Recovery of boat and its loading Region of reeds Dangers of the navigation Contraction of the channel Reach the junction of a large river Intercourse with the natives on its banks Character of the country below the junction of the rivers Descent of a dangerous rapid Warlike demonstrations of a tribe of natives Unexpected deliverance from a conflict with them Junction of another river Give the name of the "Murray" to the principal stream.

The accumulating sand had driven the sea back miles.... On the other hand, inland cities had come to be places of embarkation because of the continual perforation of the waves that were forcing their way in. The wickedness of mankind had imitated the destructive work of nature.

Give him those things, a well-conditioned body, and a baptism of fire, and he will be right there with the veterans, doing his bit. Two months was all our crowd got at any rate, and they were as good as the best, if I do say it. My training ended abruptly with a furlough of five days for Embarkation Leave, that is, leave before going to France. This is a sort of good-by vacation.

But the circumspect Fates felt that a false step at present could never be regained. They talked, therefore, of watching events. Both divisions, however, agreed that the royal embarkation was to be the signal for renewed intrigues and renovated exertions. When Proserpine was assured that she must be parted for a time from Pluto, she was inconsolable. They passed the night in sorrowful embraces.

There were indications even in the first fervor of the embarkation, that even here some among them thought "every man upon his own," while greater need of unselfishness and self-renunciation had never been before a people.

"I found they wanted guides at Quebec for the detachments going up country, and being unsettled and just in the humour for it, I offered my services, and so it came about that I reached Ticonderoga at the beginning of last month. It was on the 4th, just as Montcalm's scouts reported the embarkation of the English at the southern end of Lake George, on the way to attack us.

Were her fears realized? Was Felton, suspected by the baron, about to fail her at the decisive moment? She had only one day left. Lord de Winter had announced her embarkation for the twenty-third, and it was now the morning of the twenty-second. Nevertheless she still waited patiently till the hour for dinner.