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"There were fully 40,000 of them assembled on the long quay, and all of them were inspired by the sure and certain hope that they would be among the lucky ones who would get on board one of the few steamers and the fifteen or twenty tugboats available. As there was no one to arrange their systematic embarkation a wild struggle followed amongst the frantic people, to secure a place.

Moreover the English would be provided with cavalry, of which his Majesty's forces would have very little, on account of the difficulty of its embarkation. The obedient Netherlands would be the proper place in which to organize the whole expedition.

The unparalleled exertions no doubt, which were thus required by Caesar from his soldiers, thinned the ranks more than their conflicts had done and the mutiny of one of the four oldest legions, the ninth on its march through Placentia was a dangerous indication of the temper prevailing in the army; but Caesar's presence of mind and personal authority gained the mastery, and from this quarter nothing impeded the embarkation.

"Monseigneur, I believe you will find nowhere so much zeal and intelligence, so much real bravery, as in Raoul; but if he failed to arrange your embarkation, you would only meet the fate that you deserve." "Humph! you are scolding me, then." "Monseigneur, to provision a fleet, to assemble a flotilla, to enroll your maritime force, would take an admiral a year.

His envoys found the state of things in Italy essentially altered. Cinna had, without concerning himself further about that decree of the senate, immediately after the termination of its sitting proceeded to the army and urged it embarkation.

His gains were equal to his wants; and, unless on particular occasions such as a new coat, which, like his birth-day, occurred but once a year, he never applied to the banker's for assistance. Newton, as soon as his father was settled and his own affairs arranged, called upon his uncle previous to his embarkation.

By four, embarkation was complete and a throng of people who had massed behind a barrier to see the last of the troops, flooded on to the wharf. Secrecy had been strictly kept as to the time of departure, and so the public were few to what there might have been.

"I am no more disposed to tell you my name than I am curious to learn yours," answered General Lamoricière, and he passed outside. The aide-de-camp Fleury, concealing his uniform under his hooded cloak, stationed himself in the clerk's office. He was charged, to use his own words, to "embark" them, and to go and report their "embarkation" at the Elysée.

The rumble of artillery at this point warned the aide that the embarkation was actually beginning, and, hastily catching up the cartridges already made, he unbuttoned the flannel shirt he wore and stuffed them in. Throwing his cloak about him, he hurried out. The ice had finally been removed, and a hay barge dragged up to the pier.

But problems, such as Pyrrhus had proposed to himself, can only be solved by men of iron nature, who are able to control their feelings of compassion and even their sense of honour; and Pyrrhus was not one of these. Fall of the Sicilian Kingdom Recommencement of the Italian War The fatal embarkation took place towards the end of 478.