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"And," said she, "even when it does not come to fighting, it poisons your lives and offends your Redeemer." Then she went into the causes, and she said Drunkenness and Detraction were the chief causes of strife and contention. She dealt briefly but dramatically with Drunkenness, and then lashed Detraction, as follows: "Every class has its vices, and Detraction is the vice of the poor.

I know personally of two young French officers who had been on friendly terms with Liane, and who shot themselves, one dramatically on her very doorstep.

The foundations were laid for municipal ownership of public utilities, and the initiative and referendum were adopted for all public franchises. The legislative power was vested in a board of eighteen supervisors elected at large. No other American city so dramatically represents the futility of basing political optimism on a mere plan.

They can make the instrument tell some story not a cheery tale, but rather like the story that dogs tell us sometimes a story which seems to have a sequence of its own, and to be quite intelligible to its teller; but to us it is only comprehensible in part, like a tale that is told dramatically in a tongue unknown.

Jerry will get the dope. Hop to it, hawkeye. Duty calls." Jerry waved his arms dramatically. "Hold the presses! New barber in town! Here I go, after the story of the year!" He swept through the door, then made a sheepish reappearance. "Forgot my pencil and copy paper," he explained, grabbed them, and vanished. Duke waved the boys to chairs. "It will take a little while. Get comfortable.

Although Scott, and apparently Ballantyne, liked the catastrophe, it has always seemed to me one of his worst examples of 'huddling up. For it is historically and dramatically impossible that Cromwell should change his mind, or that Pearson and Robbins should wish to thwart severity which, considering the death of Humgudgeon, had a good deal more excuse than Oliver often thought necessary.

My companion dispensed a poisonous chemical. Simultaneous with the quivering end of the tin, the needle dramatically wrote on the chart a death-notice. "Bose instruments have demonstrated that metals, such as the steel used in scissors and machinery, are subject to fatigue, and regain efficiency by periodic rest.

"If you could really see his countenance, for we know the night was dark and foggy, will you please tell me what he was like?" But the coroner was speaking casually, his hand straying over his desk; not a creature in that court now believed the woman's story. "Dark!" she answered dramatically. "Dark, almost black! If you can take my meaning, with a sort of nigger look."

Browning, who felt the heights and depths of the lyric genius of Aristophanes, would seem to have resolved that in this song of "Thamuris marching," moving in ecstasy amid the glories of an autumn morning, he would dramatically justify his conception of the poet; and never in his youth did Browning sing with a finer rapture of spirit.

Then occurred the famous episode that decided so dramatically the fortunes of Pizarro and the fate of Peru. Tafur had brought supplies of provisions to the famished and emaciated, but now jubilant soldiers; and all except Pizarro appeared eager to abandon their barren adventure and return in the ships. Pizarro alone refused obedience to the governor's agent.