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"Oh, Leonore," she cried out, "if you go to Spain, we shan't see each other again for the rest of our lives; then you will never, never come back here any more!" "Do you really think so?" Leonore asked, much downcast. She felt that it would be hard for her to choose in such a case, and she suddenly did not know if she really wanted to go to Spain.

She knew, however, of no precipitating cause, in spite of what she had said to the aunt and what she said at first under observation. She consistently denied that anything had happened with young men. Then she was taken to the aunt’s house. There she wanted to die. Under Observation: 1. On admission the patient appeared depressed, sat with downcast expression, looking up rarely.

It became his habit to walk with his eyes downcast, not speaking to nor looking toward any one unless first addressed. At the same time his bearing was manly and erect, and marked by a certain quiet dignity which inevitably characterizes all who are honestly trying to do right.

He was no longer a beaten animal, but one roused by a chance success into a dangerous knowledge of his power. In his honest workman's dress, he was infinitely more to be feared than in his rags; in the lifting of his downcast eye, there was the revelation of a baleful intelligence. In his changed condition, civilization only seemed to have armed him against itself.

Their faces betrayed their disappointment; in their downcast eyes and in their furtive glances at one another and at Lawler one might have read evidence of doubt and uncertainty. They might fight the powerful forces opposed to them and there was no doubt that futile rage against the power surged in the veins of every man in the group about Lawler.

Like the doves do I moan, I am o'ercome with sighing, With lamentation and groaning my spirit is downcast. His prayer is that his trespasses may be forgiven: 'Rend my sins, like a garment! My God, my sins are unto seven times seven. Forgive my iniquities. And his hope is in God: 'Oh, Lord, thy servant, cast him not away, The sins which I have committed, transform by thy grace!

The trouble is at home this time, and as poor Nehemiah listens to the dismal noise, and as he tries to still the shrill cries, that his voice may be heard, and as he watches the people rocking to and fro, as Easterns do when moved by sorrow, he may well feel downcast and disappointed, for a city divided against itself cannot stand, and as Nehemiah listens to the cry, he clearly sees that, at that moment, Jerusalem, the city he loves best on earth, is indeed a divided city.

An evil lot, which heaps years of ill-fortune on the joyous, chokes mirth in mourning, and troubles our destiny. For it is lamentable and wretched to drag out a downcast life, to draw breath through dismal days and to chafe at foreboding.

Raoul was in a state of furious indignation at the sight of his mother's distress, and hastened to demand an apology from Clameran. But he had reckoned without his host. He soon returned with downcast eyes, and moodily angry at his own powerlessness, declaring that safety demanded a complete surrender to the tyrant.

Going forward, he addressed one after the other; but as he spoke, their countenances also changed, and they stood before him with downcast looks, pictures of stolidity. Suddenly he at last bethought him of calling up Pango from the pinnace, to try if he could elicit any information from his sable countrymen. Pango, on being summoned, immediately sprang on board.