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Take the evidence of M. Le Dore, son-in-law of that Mme Hetel who died in Auray, His mother-in-law became ill just after Helene's reputation was brought to his notice. The old lady died next day. ``The day following the revelation, said M. Le Dore, ``I put Helene out. She threw herself on the ground uttering fearsome yells. The day's meal had been prepared.

"Well, Captain Dore," said the lieutenant, "you have been too smart for us this time, but we intend to catch you some day or other." "Maybe the Nancy will be sunk by an enemy's cruiser before then. You seem to have an idea, lieutenant, that we are smugglers.

There is never the slightest attempt to realize carnage only to convey, by the caricaturist's exaggeration, an idea of colossally impossible bloodthirstiness. One may not enjoy this kind of fun, but to take it seriously, as the emanation of a gloomy and diabolic genius, is absurd. The same test is equally destructive of much of the praise Doré has received.

If it be a Doctor of Physick, oh! he has so much work with his own sicknes, that he absolutely forgets all his Patients, though some of them were lying at deaths dore; and lets the Chyrurgian, whom he had appointed certainly to meet there, tarry to no purpose, taking no more notice of his Patients misery, and the peril of his wounds, then if it did not concern him.

An Address Delivered before the Free People of Color in Philadelphia, New York and other Cities during the Month of June, 1831. Griffin, Edward Dore. The aim was to arouse interest in colonization.

"Are you ready?" he asked, placing his hands on her shoulders and holding her away from him. "Yes," she said, nerving herself. Their faces were still very near together. "Well, would you like to go and see the Dore pictures?" A simple enough question! A proposal felicitous enough!

Laura made herself very much at home with her Parisian acquaintance; and in the grand house in the Rue Lepelletier many a glass was turned full upon the beautiful English bride with the chevelure dore and the violet blue eyes. One morning Laura told her husband, with a gay laugh, that she was going to victimize him; but he was to promise to be patient and bear with her for once in a way.

I do not know whether Ingres showed talent for the violin in his youth or not. But I can state positively that in his maturity he showed none. Gustave Doré was also said to be famous on the violin, and his claims to consideration were far from inconsiderable. He had acquired a valuable instrument, on which he used to play Berlioz's Concertos with a really extraordinary facility and spirit.

Perfectly suitable match in every way." "It is not a suitable match," said Lady Caroline vehemently. "I don't care whether this Mr. Bevan makes thousands of pounds a year or twopence-ha'penny. The match is not suitable. Money is not everything." She broke off. A knock had come on the door. The door opened, and Billie Dore came in.

We were more than pleased With the life in town, and I commenced negotiations with Dore Lyon for the purchase of a handsome house he owned at West End Avenue and Seventy-fifth Street. Just as the trade was about to be closed my eldest daughter was attacked with typhoid. She became very ill, and this so alarmed us we concluded to return to "Redstone" in the spring and remain there.