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"Why, what's wrong with Spike?" "Dunno I guess they've been slinging dope into him. And he's copped it pretty bad from Young Alf too look at that eye!" "Spike!" said Ravenslee, shaking him, "Spike, what is it? Buck up, old fellow!" But Spike only stared dazedly and moaned. "It's dope all right," nodded the Spider, "or else Bud's mixed th' drinks on him." "Damn him!" said Ravenslee softly.

But what's the gateman doing? I thought he was shadowing Leyden; and hoped to find him to get some dope on Miss Sheldon's whereabouts." Barry had passed beyond the stage where Vandersee's sudden appearance might have startled him. He had come to expect such things lately. But the big man's placid face clouded at the skipper's words, and obviously he was startled out of his calm.

Days that are heralded by an increased activity in dog circles, a mysterious fascination that weaves itself about all prospective entries to the races, and the introduction of a strange dialect called "Deep Dog Dope," which is the popular means of communication between all people regardless of age, sex or nationality from the Federal Judge on the Bench to the tiniest tots in Kindergarten.

He's supposed to be plenty smart, according to the grapevine. I guess he'd have to be, to pass Diagnostic Service finals." Tiger chuckled. "Any dope can make it in the Medical or Surgical Services, but diagnosis is something else again." "Will he be in command?" "On the Lancet? Why should he? We'll share command, just like any patrol ship crew.

That was the first year we swept the West with our famous football team of trained mastodons; and at the earnest solicitation of about a dozen daily papers here and there, Keg dashed off something like one hundred yards of football dope at five dollars a column sort of a literary hundred-yard dash. He used to write it between bites at the dinner table.

The Doctor worried, fretted, stormed, fumed, and declared I was to blame for the whole cussed thing. I then, began to talk about going out "hus'ling" again. "Oh, yes; it's well enough for you to talk. You can 'hus'le, but what can I do? I'd look nice running around peddling your cussed old dope, wouldn't I?"

"I would have to be well acquainted with her to know, but I should hope so. To make a real home for a tired business man is a very different kind of work from that required to be a leader of society. It demands different talent and education. Of course, she means to change, or she would not have promised to make a home for you. I suspect our dope is cool now, let's go try for some butterflies."

It is for those of my countrymen who will never have this chance, never meet some one who can "guide them to the facts", that I tell these things. Let them "cut out the dope." At this very moment that I write November 24, 1919 the dope is being fed freely to all who are ready, whether through ignorance or through interested motives, to swallow it.

But I know any kind of a social idea fails without it. And I know if old Bill Douglas had built a church up there beside the schoolhouse, the chances are that Scott wouldn't have plugged Douglas last night. And mind, I don't believe in God, or the hereafter, or any of the dope they drug you with." "What the hell are you driving at, Peter?" demanded Charleton.

"I wish you might have been willing for me to use on him some of the methods employed by the intelligence department of the army to make Boche prisoners talk. He would talk, all right," said Hippy. "This is not war," reminded Grace. "No, but it is going to be," answered Hippy briefly. "Well, what do you dope out?" "I think that the man who was just here is a Thompson man.