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Then he noiselessly opened the doors, glanced distrustfully into the darkness of the passage, and at last ventured out and disappeared, regaining his own room with such soft steps that not the faintest footfall was heard amidst the tomb-like slumber of the old mansion.

Thin and sombre in his flimsy cassock, Pierre was looking on when Abbe Rose, who seemed to have sheltered himself behind a pillar of the porch on purpose to watch for him, came forward: "Ah! it's you at last, my dear child," said he, "I have something to ask you." He seemed embarrassed and anxious, and glanced round distrustfully to make sure that nobody was near.

Were we in le departement de la Seine, we might apprehend some such dangers, but being merely in the mountains of Otsego, we are reasonably safe." "Je l'espère," murmured the governess, as she reluctantly and distrustfully proceeded, glancing her eyes incessantly to the right and left. The path now became steep and rather difficult; so much so, indeed, as to indispose them all to conversation.

Richard and Ethel were arranging the 'sick albums' which they had constructed one of cheap religious prints, with texts and hymns, to be lent in cases of lingering illness; the other, commonly called the 'profane, of such scraps as might please a sick child, pictures from worn-out books or advertisements, which Ethel was colouring Aubrey volunteering aid that was received rather distrustfully, as his love of effect caused him to array the model school-children in colours gaudy enough, as Gertrude complained, 'to corrupt a saint. Nor was his dilettante help more appreciated at a small stand, well provided with tiny drawers, and holding a shaded lamp, according to Gertrude, 'burning something horrible ending in gen, that would kill anybody but Tom, who managed it, but which threw a beautiful light upon the various glass dishes, tubes, and slides, and the tall brass microscope that Tom was said to love better than all his kith and kin, and which afforded him occupation for his leisure moments.

I'm sick of our life and the useless extravagance. I want a change. Let's get rid of the whole thing take a smaller house have fewer servants. Think of the relief!" "What's the matter?" she cried sharply. "Have you lost money?" Money! Money! "No," I said, "I haven't lost money I've lost heart!" She eyed me distrustfully. "Are you crazy?" she demanded. "No," I answered. "I don't think I am."

Thin and sombre in his flimsy cassock, Pierre was looking on when Abbe Rose, who seemed to have sheltered himself behind a pillar of the porch on purpose to watch for him, came forward: "Ah! it's you at last, my dear child," said he, "I have something to ask you." He seemed embarrassed and anxious, and glanced round distrustfully to make sure that nobody was near.

She gazed at him for a moment distrustfully, wondering if he mocked her and asking herself if she had not deserved it in assuming comradeship with him. "Nay, it is not my place, my master," she said. "I did forget." He put his hand on hers with considerable determination in his manner. "Let us make an end to this eternal emphasis of different rank. I would forget it, Rachel.

As he did so, he showed himself a disfigured paralytic, one side of his face being partly drawn, and one leg crooked. He was an undersized man, with sandy hair, quick, intelligent, grey eyes, and a well-cut profile. "Jacques Fauchon," said Peter, "have no fear of me." Jacques kept his eyes on him, still distrustfully.

In fact, these ideas are strangers of an alien race in our intellectual household, and we look upon them coldly and distrustfully. But probably to our children, or to our children's children, they will wear quite a different countenance; they will have become an accepted part of the great family of ideas of the race. Another hindrance is the dullness and opacity of our own minds.

Almost distrustfully, the czar held himself aloof from the ladies of the Faubourg St. Germain; and yet it was they who had decided the fate of France with him, and induced him to give his vote for the Bourbons; for until then it had remained undetermined whom the allies should call to the throne of France.