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The man of history passed, without transition, to mythology. "You have excused the infamous acts of Actæon." "I think," said Ursus, insinuatingly, "that a man is not dishonoured by having seen a naked woman." "Then you are wrong," said the judge severely. Rhadamanthus returned to history.

It's a name where I come from that has never been dishonoured for a couple of hundred years." "But it is just as you like, mon cheri," said Madame, who was the placidest thing in France. For thirty years I had forgotten all this; but the "By Gum!" of Colonel Lackaday wiped out the superscription over the palimpsest of memory and revealed in startling clearness all these impressions of the past.

His is a praiseworthy beard, and an honourable one, and one that is greatly feared, and that never hath been dishonoured, nor overcome! and if you please you may remember when he fought against you in Cabra, hundred to hundred, he threw you from your horse, and took thee by the beard, and made thee and thy knights prisoners, and carried thee prisoner away across a pack-saddle; and his knights pulled thy beard for thee, and I who stand here had a good hand-full of it: how then shall a beard that hath been pulled speak against one that hath alway been honourable!

No one but you, you know it. And now what is there before me but public disgrace, ruin, terrible shame, the mockery of the world, a lonely dishonoured life, a lonely dishonoured death, it may be, some day? Let women make no more ideals of men! let them not put them on alters and bow before them, or they may ruin other lives as completely as you you whom I have so wildly loved have ruined mine!

He could not remember for the moment, but he became convinced that of all the women he knew, she alone seemed to be made for action. Every one of her movements had firmness, ease, the meaning of a vital fact, the moral beauty of a fearless expression. Her supple figure was not dishonoured by any faltering of outlines under the plain dress of dark blue stuff moulding her form with bold simplicity.

The hideous swarms lay dead in the moist steaming underwoods, in the green swamps, in the sheltered valleys, in the ditches and furrows of the fields, amid the monuments of their own prowess, the ruined crops and the dishonoured vineyards. A poisonous element, issuing from their remains, mingled with the atmosphere, and corrupted it.

"Boy, boy," said Pausanias, between his ground teeth, "dost thou not see that what is sought is the disgrace of Pausanias the Heracleid? Grant that I am recalled from the head of this armament, and on the charge of Ionians, and I am dishonoured in the eyes of all Greece.

"The next time you lose money upon trust, you had better not pay it." "But I should be dishonoured." "Never mind. The sooner you dishonour yourself, the more you will save, for you will always be compelled to accept your dishonour whenever you find yourself utterly unable to pay your losses. It is therefore more prudent not to wait until then."

"Good evening!" said the doctor, rising to his feet. "Are you going, Dr. Sandford?" "Yes." "Then you recommend that we let Daisy go to this place, and alone?" "In my capacity of physician I should order it," said the doctor with a smile; "only, I do not like to give orders and have them dishonoured." Off he went. "Felicia," said Mr. Randolph, "I believe he is right."

As soon as Costa had left the room, I called Le Duc and told him the story, saying that if I did not take vengeance I should be dishonoured, and that it was only he who could procure the scoundrel a good thrashing for daring to insult me. "But you know, Le Duc, the affair must be kept secret." "I only want twenty-four hours to give you an answer." I knew what he meant, and I was satisfied.