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For instance, I think myself our colonial empire is a mistake, and that we should disembarrass ourselves of its burthen as rapidly as is consistent with the dignity of the nation; but were Jawett in the House of Commons to-morrow, nothing would satisfy him but a resolution for the total and immediate abolition of the empire, with a preamble denouncing the folly of our fathers in creating it.

The affair was soon concluded, and Toubac, well satisfied, descended the ladder, entreating me to think no more of the student of Heidelberg. I would gladly have followed my good friend's counsel; but, when the devil once mixes himself up in our concerns, it is not easy to disembarrass ourselves of him. In my solitary hours all these events were reproduced with frightful distinctness in my mind.

It must be remembered, moreover, that if our efforts to deal with the workless masses in finding them employment should prove successful this will in itself help to remove much of the existing evil. And by directing labor into channels where it can be the most profitably employed, we shall help to disembarrass those channels which have at present got choked up with an excess of it.

Pankhurst says the Government must either give votes to women or "prepare to send large numbers of women to penal servitude." That would be indeed awkward for the Government if penal servitude were easily procurable. Unfortunately, the women must first qualify for it, and their crimes would disembarrass the Government. Mrs.

"Bless me!" cried Porthos, making strong efforts to disembarrass himself of d'Artagnan, who was wriggling about his back; "you must be mad to run against people in this manner." "Excuse me," said d'Artagnan, reappearing under the shoulder of the giant, "but I am in such haste I was running after someone and " "And do you always forget your eyes when you run?" asked Porthos.

'I wonder how a man with his intellect and ideas can think of the accumulation of wealth. ''Tis his destiny, said Lady Bertie and Bellair. 'He can no more disembarrass himself of his hereditary millions than a dynasty of the cares of empire. I wonder if he will get the Great Northern. They talked of nothing else at Paris. 'Of what? said Tancred.

Suppose at the club this evening I were to say: 'Upon my word of honor the golden-eyed was not worth all she cost me! Everybody would exclaim when I was gone: 'Did you hear that fop De Marsay, who tried to make us believe that he has already had the girl of the golden eyes? It's his way of trying to disembarrass himself of his rivals: he's no simpleton. But such a ruse is vulgar and dangerous.

In all three we find the same ghastly pallor, the same sleeplessness which compelled them to rise, and pace their rooms at night, the same incessant suspicion; the same inordinate thirst for cruelty and torture. He took a very early opportunity to disembarrass himself of his benefactors, Macro and Ennia, and of his rival, the young Tiberius.

'Somebody told me you'd gone abroad, he said. 'Was it you, Dick? Dick is an admirable person, a sort of gazetteer for the world of fashion. Dick fussily brought forward a chair for Lucy to sit in, and offered to disembarrass her of the jacket she was wearing. 'You must make my excuses for not leaving a card on Lady Kelsey before going away, said Alec. 'I've been excessively busy.

He spoke English with a Parisian accent. Miss Boyd was beginning to tear him gaily limb from limb, when the door was flung open, and a large person entered. He threw off his cloak with a dramatic gesture. 'Marie, disembarrass me of this coat of frieze. Hang my sombrero upon a convenient peg.