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Then send her to the workhouse, and they'll give her a lift home. 'But if she has no home? 'Then let her go to her parish. 'But they don't seem to have any parishes in Ireland. 'No parishes! I suppose that's the geography the vagabonds teach you? Well you pay dear enough for your lessons. But I tell you what, Mary, you just go and tell 'em all to decamp this minute.

While discussing them, Jerry exclaimed that he saw something galloping along the shore. "Is it a bull?" I asked, thinking that we might have to decamp, and looking out for a place of safety. "It comes on very fast," he answered. I jumped up, for I was sitting a little below him, and looked in the direction he pointed. "It's old Surley! it's old Surley!" I shouted. "Our friends cannot be far-off."

If they halt, you send a parliamentary to within speaking distance. Should they advance , you fire, taking especial care not to miss; when two saddles are emptied, the rest are sure to decamp.

The French surgical hospitals all along the front are marvels of cleanliness and order. The heart of each hospital is the power plant, which sterilizes the water, runs the electric lights, and works the X-ray generator. Mounted on an automobile body, it is always ready to decamp in case the locality gets too dangerous.

"Shall I go alone, my lord? Alone with these strangers?" "Take two of your servants." But what she wanted to make sure of was that Grim might not decamp with her baggage and leave her to face the consequences. It seems you can fall in love in the desert without putting too much faith in masculine nature. "Nay, give me two men I can trust. Give me that and that one."

Then there was another rending explosion, and another, not quite so close at hand this time. Lopes, quivering with fear, glanced at Douglas, and then at the open door, as though meditating flight, and he had evidently just made up his mind to decamp when Carlos came plunging down the stone steps.

From time to time the Bluebottle and the Flesh-fly perch on the trellis-work, make a short investigation and then decamp. Throughout the summer season, for three whole months, the apparatus remains where it is, without result: never a worm. What is the reason? Does the stench of the meat not spread, coming from that depth?

Evidently the bad boy's language had been corrupted by his street confrères; it was a missionary ground upon which Sallie entered, more or less faithfully, every day to hoe and weed; but of this last specimen-plant she took no notice, save to laugh as Jim, catching him up, first kissed him, then gave him a shake and a small spank, and, thrusting a piece of currency into his hand, whisked him outside the door with a "Come, shaver, decamp, and treat yourself to-day," and had it shut and fastened in a twinkling.

Milverton. It will do very well, as my next will be on the subject of population. Ellesmere. What day are we to have it? I think I have a particular engagement for that day. Milverton. I must come upon you unawares. Ellesmere. After the essay you certainly might. Let us decamp now and do something great in the way of education teach Rollo, though he is but a short-haired dog, to go into the water.

There was every prospect of a general decamp of all my people. However, I told them not to be discouraged; that I would get food for them in the morning. The bale of choice cloths was opened again next morning, and four royal cloths were this time selected, and two dotis of Merikani, and Bombay was again despatched, burdened with compliments, and polite words.