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By degrees the rest returned: I recollected being arrested, but could no ways account for being in this apartment, whither they had conveyed me during my illness. "I was so weak as to be almost unable to speak. I pressed Lucy's hand, and looked earnestly round the apartment in search of another dear object. "Where is your mother?" said I, faintly.

I can believe that there are one or two Ministers of State in the world, and possibly even here and there a sovereign, who would have eaten this morning a heartier breakfast if the tidings conveyed by the telegraph had been reversed, and if the issue of the elections had been as triumphant for the existing Administration as it has been menacing, if not fatal, to their prospects.

Only, either because some of those that had already passed had sighted the Kaffirs collecting the fallen birds and risen an example which the others noted from afar and followed or because in an unknown way warning of their danger had been conveyed to them, they were flying higher and faster than the first arrivals. "You will have the worst of it, Allan," said Retief.

And mind with Sir Archibald ye treat his Bank with reverence! It's a National Institution, with National obligations, ye ken?" Mr. Sheratt's wink conveyed a volume of meaning. "And mind you, Rae," here Mr. Sheratt grew grave, "I am trusting you to produce that lad when wanted." "I have him in safe keeping, Tom, and shall produce him, no fear."

Why, Pugh there has 'conveyed' three fourths of the pipes which he flatters himself are his." I was so dumfoundered by the charge that it took my breath away. I sat in astounded silence. Tress went raving on: "I was so shy of this particular pipe when I had obtained it, that I put it away for quite three months.

"My words shall be straight and plain, sir, to denounce that unchristian wretch whom, until this miserable business, I trusted as if he had been my son. I came to my house, accompanied by my daughter's plighted husband, within an hour after that villain conveyed her away; and on hearing my old servant's story was quick to suspect treachery.

Style in painting is the same as in writing, a power over materials, whether words or colours, by which conceptions or sentiments are conveyed.

Diarrhoea and many infectious diseases may be conveyed by impure water. The same applies to fevers. If there is a suspicion of water being contaminated mere filtration should never be relied on, the water should be boiled. After many of the treatments given by us in this book, considerable thirst will be experienced. Cold water in such cases may always be given.

But Berreo sending for him in the king's name, and his messengers finding him in the house of one Fajardo, on the sudden, ere he was suspected, so as he could not then be conveyed away, Vides durst not deny him, as well to avoid the suspicion of the practice, as also for that an holy father was slain by him and his people.

Ninety-nine times out of a hundred men only write what they have read before they started, just as Rousseau in an eighteenth-century village believed that every English yokel could vote and that his vote conveyed a high initiative, making and unmaking the policy of the State; or just as people, hearing that the birth-rate of France is low, travel in that country and say they can see no children though they would hardly say it about Sussex or Cumberland where the birth-rate is lower still.