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He kissed the thick coil of hair which lay fragrant against his lips. "Do you know, in spite of my joking, I do love you a great deal?" "I would practise saying that over to myself," observed Freydis critically. "You should let your voice break a little after the first three words." "I speak as I feel. I love you, Freydis, and I tell you so."

We must see that the world is rough and surly, and will not mind drowning a man or a woman; but swallows your ship like a grain of dust. The way of Providence is a little rude. The habit of snake and spider, the snap of the tiger and other leapers and bloody jumpers, the crackle of the bones of his prey in the coil of the anaconda, these are in the system, and our habits are like theirs.

This evening her voice floated from the dining-room, and following the sound he stumbled over a shadowy palm and came upon Juliet as she put the last touches to a long white table, radiant with cut glass and roses. She wore a faded blue dressing-gown, caught loosely together, and her curling hair, untouched by gray, fell carelessly from its coil across her full, fair cheek.

Why, sir, I hold it to be within every man's province to make himself what he will, and I early recognized in Learning the only guide for such as me. I may say that I married her for the furtherance of my fortunes, and have come to love her for her own sake. Many and many the 'tween-watch have I passed in a coil of rope in the tops, a volume of the classics in my hand.

At a receiving station the current coming in from the cable has simply to be passed through the coil of the 'speaker' before it is sent into the ground, and the wandering light spot on the screen faithfully represents all its variations to the clerk, who, looking on, interprets these, and cries out the message word by word.

When a coil is operated with currents of very high frequency, beautiful brush effects may be produced, even if the coil be of comparatively small dimensions. The experimenter may vary them in many ways, and, if it were nothing else, they afford a pleasing sight.

Macavoy had nothing to say to the head-shakes of the others, and they did not try to dissuade him; for women and children were in the question, and there they were below beside the house, the children gathered round the mother, she waiting waiting. Macavoy, stripped to the waist, and carrying only a hatchet and a coil of rope tied round him, started away alone up the river.

As he lifted the rug under Miss Ashton's desk there also lay the huge circles of wire. That was all. At this moment Miss Ashton stepped forward. "Last Friday," she said in a low tone, "I wore a belt which concealed a coil of wire about my waist. From it a wire ran under my coat, connecting with a small dry battery in a pocket.

With Direct Current. When a 110 volt direct current is used to energize the power transformer an electrolytic interruptor is needed to make and break the primary circuit, just as a vibrator is needed for the same purpose with a spark coil.

Duke, touching the coil of rope, "did you at any time make use of these lines to climb down the Gaulton cliffs?" Tom was silent. "If you do not care to tell us that, then, perhaps, you will say if you happened to make use of this gun on the night on which Colin Lothian met his death?" Tom became perceptibly confused. "Mr. Duke," exclaimed Bailie Thomson, "what in the world are you driving at?"