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The Indians brought along with them clews of cotton-yarn, parrots, javelins pointed with fish bones, and some other things, which they bartered for glass toys, hawks-bells and such trifles, with which they were highly pleased, and even set a high value on broken pieces of glazed earthern ware, plates, and poringers.

"Thank you," and he pulled forward a chair for her. "Oh, haven't you found out anything yet?" she burst out. "Can't you say anything definite?" Colonel Ashley shook his head in negation. "I'm sorry," he said softly. "I'm just as sorry about it as you are. But I have seldom had a case in which there were so many clews that lead into blind allies.

"The idea I've suggested to you for the solution of this mystery," went on Mr. CLEWS, "Is expressed by one of the greatest of English writers; who, in his very last work, says; in some cases of drunkenness, and in others of animal magnetism, there are two states of consciousness which never clash, but each of which pursues its separate course as though it were continuous instead of broken.

"Yes, he's mercurial in all his movements. Laura, we must get out of this. There happens to be something else in the world for me to do than to sit around and follow up murder clews." But we began to doubt if others agreed with him, when on passing out we were stopped in the lobby by this same detective, who had something to say to George, and drew him quickly aside. "What does he want?"

It is not apparent that any of my well-matured plans even promised success. Every subtly framed purpose has failed. "London sleuths are camping on cold trails, tracing misleading clews, poising for unavailing swoop upon flown quarry, densely ignorant of real Lanier purposes.

Vance returned to the girl's chamber and renewed his search, and succeeded in making several discoveries cries which, he hoped, would serve as valuable clews in the future. He was still searching, and deeply intent upon the duty, when he was disturbed by hearing a voice. "Great mercy! what has happened here?" The detective was cool again.

For one little fraction of an instant he had thought that the white form, so grim and silent against the stone, revealed some forest tragedy of years ago, a human prey dragged to a wild beast's lair. But the shape of the cavern, the character of its walls, and a thousand other clews told the story plainly.

If they brought anything on board they would barter it for anything whatever belonging to our people, even for a piece of broken glass; insomuch that some gave sixteen large clews of well-spun cotton yarn, weighing twenty-five pounds, for three small pieces of Portuguese brass coin not worth a farthing.

"The lustrous orb, Venus contralto, the blooming mother, Sister of loftiest gods." Some of his poems were written at the opera. The great singers evidently gave him clews and suggestions that were applicable to his own art. His study was out of doors.

A pair of heavy boots there were, a pair of patched trousers and an old shabby coat, a greasy cap, and finally a threadbare red muffler! Gatton looked hard at me. "He will have to break his obstinate silence now," he said. "Failing our discovery of new clews pointing in another direction, this is hanging evidence!" "It is maddening!" I cried. "Can nothing be done, Gatton?