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How proud we were of knowing them, and how delighted they were at knowing us and they so much older too! And how tired we got of it all and of them and of all their kind when our eyes became accustomed to the glare and we saw how cheap and commonplace it all was and how much of its glamour and charm had come from our own inexperience and enthusiasm and youth.

But, if we look at him more closely, his greatly praised achievements amount merely to this much, that, as a general, he gained some cheap village triumphs in the Alps, and, as a statesman, won by his laws about voting and luxury some victories nearly as serious over the revolutionary spirit of the times.

There were a great many papers on the table and the bed, and the room looked as if it had been used by crowds of people the floor was muddy about the fireplace, and there were tracks from the door to the cheap wooden chairs which seemed to have been brought in to accommodate more visitors than could sit on the horsehair chairs and sofa that appeared to belong in the room. Mr.

He brought forward and carried through, with enthusiastic clapping of every pair of hands in Rome that were hardened with labor, a proposal that there should be public granaries in the city, maintained and filled at the cost of the state, and that corn should be sold at a rate artificially cheap to the poor free citizens. Such a law was purely socialistic.

"I ain't long for this world, George," he said, when he was told; "and they ought to get it cheap. Put 'em up to that, George; do now." Twenty shillings a week was not much for all his wants; but, nevertheless, he might be more comfortable with that than he had been for many a year, if only his daughter would be kind to him.

His clothes were coarse and cheap and even darned, bearing here and there the signatures of poverty and motherhood. I advanced and took his hand; for that is an easy masonry, and its exercise need never be regretted even if it never be repeated.

The chairs were covered with a cheap red cretonne; there was an armchair or two with the high seat and long elbows, which seemed to have gone astray from a Peckham drawing-room; an ormolu clock under a glass shade ornamented the overmantel, and in the way of literature there was one book in the room Prescott's Conquest of Peru and a copy of the Times.

But weaving machines can do this work now with far greater precision; and while stockings are so good and so cheap, is it worth while for our girls to spend long hours in the slow process of looping stitches into each other? Would not the same time be better spent in the open air and the sunshine, than in-doors, with cramped fingers and bent back over the knitting-needles?

Her cheap coral ear-drops and the thin band of gold upon her white finger could not have been so fitting had they been of diamonds; and her tresses, inclosed in a fillet of beads, were tied in a breadth of blue ribbon which made a cunning lover's-knot above.

I will give it to you cheap. My poor horse is tired, and can't go any farther." "Where do you come from?" "From the country, sir. This firewood is from our place. Good dry wood, I can assure you." "Good wood indeed! I know your tricks. Well, what is your price?" Ivan Mironov began by asking a high price, but reduced it once, and finished by selling the cartload for just what it had cost him.