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Lit., 'dark colored. 'Not, perhaps omitted. Boissier, p. 103. By vomiting on him. Out of which one eats. I.e., keep away from it. See p. 182. Vorgeschichte der Indo-Europaer, pp. 451-55. The term used is Unagga, Bezold's Catalogue of the Koujunjik Collection, p. 1841. See Jensen, Kosmologie, p. 153. Bezold, Catalogue, p. 1710. Boissier, Documents, etc., pp. 3, 4.

An extraordinary luxury, this. We were thirteen at table. January 6. At dessert yesterday I offered some bonbons to the ladies, saying as I did so: Grace a Boissier, chere colombes, Heureux, a vos pieds nous tombons. Car on prend les forts par les bombes Et les faibles par les bonbons. The Parisians out of curiosity visit the bombarded districts.

Walter Harte in his Essays on Husbandry says that Cato writes like an English squire and Varro like a French academician. This is just comment on Cato but it is at once too much and too little to say of Varro: a French academician might be proud of his antiquarian learning, but would balk at his awkward and homely Latin, as indeed one French academician, M. Boissier, has since done.

Alfred de Vigny was elected to a chair in the French Academy in 1846 and died at Paris, September 17, 1863. GASTON BOISSIER Secretaire Perpetuel de l'Academie Francaise. The study of social progress is to-day not less needed in literature than is the analysis of the human heart. We live in an age of universal investigation, and of exploration of the sources of all movements.

They had, however, a melancholy fitness at the time they were uttered, which we, fortunately, cannot realise. A French gentleman, quoted by Boissier, declared that he found the moral letters tedious until the reign of terror came; that then, being in daily peril of his life, he understood their searching power.

Nearly three centuries after that, A.D. 237, a descendant of Balbus was chosen as Emperor, under the name of Balbinus, and is spoken of by Gibbon with eulogy. I know no work on Cicero written more pleasantly, or inspired by a higher spirit of justice, than that of Gaston Boissier, of the French Academy, called Cicéron et ses Amis.

Desolate at his inability to please the young ladies, he informed them that nowhere could they find the object of their search, unless it might be at the establishment of the Boissier Freres themselves, which was across the Seine. "Why, yes," cried Patty; "that's just what Marian said. She said I would have to go across the Seine for it, and I didn't know what she meant.

Thiers, Mignet, Louis Blanc, Taine, and Lanfrey wrote on the Revolution or Napoleon. The most eminent of the newer school of scientific historians are Boissier, Sorel, Lavisse, Luchaire, and Aulard. Sainte-Beuve is only one of the foremost in the class of literary critics, in which are included Renan, Sarcey, Brunetiere, Lemaitre, Faguet, and others, themselves authors.

She was, as M. Boissier has well said, the exact counterpart of her still more famous brother: "Elle apportait dans sa conduite privée, dans ses engagements d'affection, les mêmes emportements et les mêmes ardeurs que son frère dans la vie publique. Prompte

Boissier de Sauvages, early in the eighteenth century, published a Latin thesis, De Amore, discussing love somewhat in the same spirit as Burton, as a psychic disease to be treated and cured. The breath of Christian asceticism had passed over love; it was no longer, as in classic days, an art to be cultivated, but only a malady to be cured.