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And Jesus took the loaves; and giving thanks, gave to the disciples, and the disciples to those who were sat down; and in the same manner of the fishes, as much as they chose. And when they had made a hearty meal, he saith to his disciples, Gather up the broken bits which are left, that not a morsel be wasted.

Cut the tomatoes into small bits, put them into a saucepan with the salt, pepper and butter; when these are hot add the eggs, beaten until well mixed, stir until the eggs are "set," turn into a heated dish, garnish with toast and send to the table. This is an exceedingly nice dish for supper where one does not care for meat.

It was a shell, and the vibration of it stirred the crumbling masonry, and bits of it fell with a clatter to the littered floor. On the way to the ruin of the bishop's chapel I passed a group of stone figures. They were the famous "Angels of Arras" removed from some other part of the building to what might have been a safer place. Now they were fallen angels, mangled as they lay.

"We'll get 'em down if f you say so," Cloke answered, with a thrust of the underlip they both knew. "But I did say so. What on earth have you brought that timber-tug here for? We aren't building a railway bridge. Why, in America, half-a-dozen two-by-four bits would be ample." "I don't know nothin' about that," said Cloke.

About half of them wanted to be repatriated; they were given gifts of knives, tools, blankets, and bits of metal which seemed to be the chief standard of value and medium of exchange, and shipped home. Finding their proper villages was not easy. At each such village, the news was spread that the Space Vikings would hereafter pay for what they received.

The suggester of the idea looked scornful and addressed himself to Tomkins. "There ain't no bully tins in the perishing trenches, are there? Ho no! An' there hain't no china an' bits of glass and old cups and things in that there village about 'alf a mile down the road? Ho no! I reckon there's enough to fill twenty 'oles like that there." Once again the oracle resumed his hobby. "Splendid!"

These are known commonly to be very small bits of matter, probably not larger than grains of sand, which, rushing into our atmosphere, are so heated by the friction which they encounter that they burn to a gas or vapour before they attain the earth.

"Have you a passport?" asked the rat, "give it to me at once." But the tin soldier remained silent and held his musket tighter than ever. The boat sailed on and the rat followed it. How he did gnash his teeth and cry out to the bits of wood and straw, "Stop him, stop him; he has not paid toll, and has not shown his pass." But the stream rushed on stronger and stronger.

Throughout the long dinner the native band played the airs of Europe and America, intermixed with bits of weird Malayan song. After we had lighted our cigars from the golden censer, the British Governor arose and proposed the health of the Sultan and the young heir apparent.

There was also a game called cuatrito, in which the players threw bits of stone at a mark drawn on the ground at a certain distance. "In my time," said a prominent Californian of to-day, "we used to play this game with golden slugs instead of stones; there was always a basket of slugs sitting door.