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Blunt was looking for trouble he would certainly get it. “Bing was bowing her out of his shop, but he was so angry about something that he was quite rude even to me afterwards. I don’t think it’s very good for Madame votre mère to quarrel with Bing. He is a Parisian personality. He’s quite a power in his sphere.

If we did it, they would just say, 'Oh, so they've come off their perch! and once we let ourselves down we would never raise ourselves again. I couldn't do it, Muriel. Don't ask me." "No. But we've got to be happier somehow. Climbing is exhausting work." She stooped and picked up the two small dogs that lay on a cushion beside her. "Isn't it, Bing? Isn't it, Toutou? You're happy, aren't you?

Girls all stand in row beside the door and make low bowings as Teachers pass. Bing Ding invite to seats, and when all in place, girls also take seats and feast begin. After Miss Powers say little word of blessing servants bring in covered dishes, and place on tables.

He sat at his flat desk like a pagan image, never looked up, never said aye, no, or go to the devil when I stepped in and wished him "Good morning!" I told him what I wanted. I wished to cruise with the American destroyers in their U-boat operations. His answer was a No! Bing! No, sir! "Whoops!" I said to myself.

Then, after a backward glance, fell into a quick walk that brought him past the Brill House and to Schroeder's drug store corner. There was his crowd Spider, and Red, and Bing, and Casey. They took him literally unto their breasts. They thumped him on the back. They bestowed on him the low epithets with which they expressed admiration.

So without more ado he put his hand under the bed, and bing! boom! carried it into a large garden outside the town. There he set it down in the shade of the biggest tree, and pulling up the next biggest one by the roots, threw it over his shoulder, and marched up and down keeping guard.

Numerous times one person or another about our hotel spoke of the suddenness with which the workers there would be fired. “Bing, you go!” just like that. Kelly, who had been working there over two years, told me that the only way to think of a job was to expect to be fired every day.

Then there was a regularly cannonading, Bert said, for there was scarcely a moment's quiet until every one of the six clocks had gone off "bing, bang, biff," as Freddie said. There was no use trying to locate them, for they went off so rapidly that Nellie knew they would go until they were "all done," so she just sat down and waited.

And then the boy gets up quicker than he fell and jerks out his little pearl-handle, and bing! bing! bing! Pedro gets it three times in special and treasured portions of his carcass. I saw the dust fly off his clothes every time the bullets hit. Sometimes them little thirty-twos cause worry at close range. "The engine bell was ringing, and the train starting off slow.

The dawn does not come all at once: it steals upon you by leaps and subtle strides like deploying pickets. Bing! Another ray, and the first one is suffusing itself across an arc of the purple sky. Bing, Bing! The east is all aglow. The little flowers at your feet are waking in joyful mood. The chirrup of birds is heard. How they do sing! When did they begin?