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I gave him one quick glance upon entering, which I trow he read and understood; but to De Baudricourt I spoke with caution and with measured words, for he was a man whose scorn and ridicule were easily aroused, and I knew that Bertrand had fallen into a kind of contempt with him, in that he had so quickly believed in the mission of the Maid. "Well, and what make you of the girl?

That was March. In April the Germans whack up their Navy Law Amendment, twelve more big ships. That chap Bertrand Stewart getting three and a half years for espionage in Germany; and two German spies caught by us here, that chap Grosse over at Winchester Assizes, three years, and friend Armgaard Graves up at Glasgow, eighteen months.

It befell, then, that on the morrow of her arrival she saw Bertrand pass before her lodging, a-horseback with his company, and albeit she knew him full well, natheless she asked the good woman of the inn who he was.

Remember that I have even stood in the prisoner's dock, and escaped only through your cleverness, and an accident. It might happen again, Rachael!" "It shall not," she answered. "I would go there myself first. It is well for you to talk, Bertrand, but you and I are neither of us fond of simple things. We must live. We must have money." "We live extravagantly," he said.

BERTRAND. You look at me With wondering gaze; no doubt you are surprised To see this martial helm! THIBAUT. We are indeed! Come, tell us how you come by it? Why bring This fearful omen to our peaceful vale? BERTRAND. I scarce can tell you how I came by it.

But after a pause he said: "Could you give me the lady's name, by any chance? Of course, I don't want to leave any stone unturned." And once more the other man emitted his pleased little chuckle that was so like a cat's mew. "I can give you her name," said he. "The name is Mlle. Bertrand. Elise Bertrand. But I regret to say I haven't the address by me. She came with some friends.

In the soldiers' opinion, the Prince de Neuchatel and his brilliant staff, the grand marshal, Generals Bertrand, Bacler d'Albe, etc., were only men of the cabinet council, whose experience might be of some use in such deliberations, but to whom bravery was not indispensable.

And above all whatever you may decide do nothing here in Naples." And on that he turned to depart, whilst Bertrand sped to Giovanna. On the threshold of the garden Charles paused and looked back.

Everyone felt that the change would be the best cure which the poor fellow could have, while it was an immense relief to know that there would be no danger of painful encounters in London. Even with this dread removed, Mr Bertrand was in ten minds about his plans for the coming winter. There seemed many reasons why it would be better to remain quietly in Westmoreland for another year.

Travers knocked at the door and was received cordially. Colonel Kenton introduced Bertrand, saying: "The messenger from the South." Travers shook hands and nodded also to signify that he understood. Then came Culver, the state senator from the district, a man of middle years, bulky, smooth shaven, and oratorical.