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He had commenced his career surrounded by every circumstance that could render existence agreeable; fortune, in his early days, having smiled most benignantly on him. His father was a man of considerable ability, and was to the past generation what Rowland Hill is in the present day the great benefactor of correspondents.

He smiled benignantly at his nephew's dissimulation and at the good results which it had already produced. He approved of gaining time, he said, by fictitious negotiations and by the use of a mercantile agent; for, no doubt, such a course would prevent the proper succours from being sent to the Earl of Leicester.

'No, said Fledgeby, 'you may toddle now, Judah, and grope about on the orders you have got. Dismissed with those pleasing words, the old man took his broad hat and staff, and left the great presence: more as if he were some superior creature benignantly blessing Mr Fledgeby, than the poor dependent on whom he set his foot.

And most especially I wanted HIM to be here when I announced it. Yes, my faithful friend, my benefactor, I've found the method! I've found the method to pay off all my debts, and you'll get your money! Hope dawned in Yates's eye; then Stephen, beaming benignantly, and placing his hand upon Yates's head, added, 'I am going to pay them off in alphabetical order! Then he turned and disappeared.

Dead are the fair fat women, with tender hearts, who waddled benignantly through life, ever ready to shed the sympathetic tear, best of wives, and cooks, and mothers; dead are the bald, ruddy old men, who ambled about in faded carpet slippers, and passed the snuff-box of peace: dead are the stout-hearted youths who sailed away to Tom Tiddler's ground; and dead are the buxom maidens they led under the wedding canopy when they returned.

Set of reskils!... I've put my mark against Stridge, I have; and against Inglethwaite's name I've put a picture of a big boot one of my own making, too! The big boot!" he screamed ecstatically "that's what your man is a-going to get to-day. Set of " Robin smiled benignantly upon him, and glanced at the Returning Officer. "You hear what this gentleman says?" he remarked.

"Well, who knows he's asked her yet?" Minnie screamed derisively at the density of man, "What made him run off that way, the night he was hurt? Why didn't he come back in the house with her?" "Pshaw!" "Don't you suppose a woman understands?" "Meaning that you know more about it than I do, I presume," grunted the old gentleman. "Yes, father," she replied, smiling benignantly upon him.

Arthur soon lost the keen edge of his grievance under the kindly chat of the Major. The farm lay on either side of a small stream which ran among the buttes and green mesas of the foothills. Out to the left, the kingly peak looked benignantly across the lesser heights that thrust their ambitious heads in the light. Cattle were feeding among the smooth, straw-colored or sage-green hills.

He'll think I'm such a hypocrite after what I promised him. Oh, do let me go!" His agitation only increased the amusement of his tormentor, who, with a view to give the captain as vivid an impression as possible, laid his hand affectionately on the boy's arm and beamed most benignantly upon him. It was no use for Wyndham to resist.

And when they had the response from us, they came quickly, and having stood awhile to look, hearing the noisy clamor of the sailor crowd, sent the Queen with her damsels in a very light barge to stay on a little island distant from us a quarter of a league; himself remaining a very long time, discoursing by signs and gestures of various fanciful ideas, examining all the equipments of the ship, asking especially their purpose, imitating our manners, tasting our foods, then parted from us benignantly.