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I have arranged all the facts in proper order, to the best of my ability, in different works. The consequences deducible from these facts, and my views respecting them, I have hastily recorded in some essays and dissertations. I have settled the geography of the interior of Africa and the Arctic regions, of the interior of Asia and of its eastern coast.

Having accomplished this benevolent work, it passes on, with some of its heat and vigour still remaining, to the arctic seas where it is finally robbed of all its heat and nearly all its salt, and frozen into an icicle there for many a long day to exert a chilling influence on the waters and the atmosphere around it.

Of this whole country a large part is not only utterly uncivilized, but uninhabited, and portions which are occupied are held by savage and warlike tribes. Of the Greenland route, Doctor Hayes, the well-known Arctic traveller, expresses himself in the most decided manner, that it is wholly impracticable.

There were not many people who knew who Henson was, or the reason why the gentleman had made the remark, and, when asked why he was so certain, he explained that, for the best part of the twenty years of Commander Peary's Arctic work, his faithful and often only companion was Matthew Alexander Henson.

The committee will arrive in Grismet some time during the next month to decide on permanent disposition. Jordan's heart swelled as he read the gram. "It worked," he said. "They have changed their minds. It won't be so bad being discharged now." He put the paper back on the desk and arose to go. The chief smiled and it was like sunlight suddenly flooding over an arctic glacier. "Discharged?

I'm ashamed of the trouble I've caused her and and I've taken rooms at Low Barton." "Upon my word," said Miss Desmond, "you are the coldest lover I've ever set eyes on." "I'm not a lover," he answered swiftly. "Do you wish I were?" "For Betty's sake, I'm glad you aren't. But I think I should respect you more if you weren't quite so arctic."

From what I saw and heard every day, I was certain that these necessary incentives were present; although, as far as most of the men were concerned, our object was still the protracted one of drifting for years in the Arctic ice. The extension of the plan the far more imminent battle with the ice-floes of the South was still undreamt of by the majority of the ship's company.

The captain has been telling how, in one of his Arctic voyages, it was so cold that the mate's shadow froze fast to the deck and had to be ripped loose by main strength. And even then he got only about two-thirds of it back. Nobody said anything, and the captain went away.

So far we have been passing through a country where the lakes and rivers of a great natural basin or valley carry their tribute of waters to the Eastern Atlantic; but now, when we leave Lake Superior and the country known as Old Canada, we find ourselves on the northwestern height of land and overlooking another region whose great rivers notably the Saskatchewan, Nelson, Mackenzie, Peace, Athabasca, and Yukon drain immense areas and find their way after many circuitous wanderings to Arctic seas.

Some distance this side of the Arctic Circle, on the right bank of the Yukon, a little detachment of that great army pressing northward, had been wrecked early in the month of September. They had realised, on leaving the ocean-going ship that landed them at St.