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Happily the big ant-eater did not show himself, neither did any panthers, leopards, jaguars, guepars, or cougars, called indifferently ounces in South America, and to whom it is not advisable to get too near. "After all," said Benito, who stopped for an instant, "to walk is very well, but to walk without an object "

The Devons went straight forward, coming into infantry fire as they crossed that low wave of ground in the middle of the valley. On the further slope they were ordered to lie down and wait till the flanking movement was developed. Happily the slope, as is usual in South Africa, was thickly spotted over with great ant-hills, beneath which the ant-eater digs his den.

It also possesses the power of rolling itself into a ball, like the hedgehog hence its name among the colonists of Ant-eating Hedgehog; but by far the most appropriate appellation for it is the Porcupine Ant-eater, since in general appearance it is exceedingly like several species of porcupines.

Then there was the chubby Man who came in every Evening and told what had happened at the Store that Day, and there was a human Ant-Eater who made Puns. One of the necessary Features of a refined Joint is the Slender Thing who is taking Music and has Mommer along to fight off the Managers and hush the Voice of Scandal.

I was reading at the moment, lost in thought, or I should not have been so easily surprised." John then told him how we had waited to see Ellen and our young friend off; and then, in attempting to follow our companions, had lost our way. "We should have got thus far sooner had we not been delayed by an attack which a great ant-eater made on our dog."

Of course Guapo took care not to irritate it; for, when that is done, the ant-eater will either turn out of his way or stop to defend itself. The tamanoir is not so defenceless a creature as might at first sight be imagined by considering his small toothless mouth and slow motions.

But the ant-eater possesses a very long and sticky tongue, which renders the capture of these insects extremely easy; when he finds a frequented passage it is enough to stretch out his tongue; all the ants come of their own accord and place themselves on it, and when it is sufficiently charged he withdraws it and devours them.

The other was called by a native name, "Trigueiro." The chance now came to try them. We were steaming between long stretches of coarse grass, about three feet high, when we spied from the deck a black object, very conspicuous against the vivid green. It was a giant ant-eater, or tamandua bandeira, one of the most extraordinary creatures of the latter-day world.

It wheeled round with a snort, and went off crashing through the stout under-wood as if it had been grass, leaving a broad track behind it. On another occasion he met with a formidable-looking but comparatively harmless animal, called the great ant-eater.

In the same way their affinities are seen to be with the lowest of mammals, the MONOTREMES and MARSUPIALS. The monotremes, such as the duckbill mole and the spiny ant-eater of Australia, reproduce by means of eggs resembling those of reptiles; the marsupials, such as the opossum and the kangaroo, bring forth their young alive, but in a very immature condition, and carry them for some time after birth in the marsupium, a pouch on the ventral side of the body.