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It was close to one of the ant-hills where the old tamanoir placed her young upon the ground, and turning away from it, she approached the great cone. Erecting herself upon her hind-feet, she stood with the fore ones resting against the hill, apparently examining it, and considering in what part of it the shell or roof was thinnest and weakest.

The tamandua has sometimes been called tridactyla, or the "three-toed ant-eater," because it has only three claws upon each of its fore-feet, whereas the tamanoir is provided with four. This one has only two claws on each fore-foot, hence its specific name. It is a very small creature not larger than the common grey squirrel with a prehensile tail like the tamandua.

They are all inhabitants of tropical America, and there are varieties of them in different districts. The Tamanoir is by far the largest, often attaining the size of a Newfoundland dog; and the long hair which covers its sides, together with its immense bushy tail, give to it the appearance of being much bulkier than it is.

A curious incident occurred as they approached the glade on their way home. The male tamanoir was roused from his nest among the dry leaves, and Guapo, instead of running upon him and killing the creature, warned them all to keep a little back, and he would show them some fun. Guapo now commenced shaking the leaves, so that they rattled as if rain was falling upon them.

Just at this moment the tamanoir, having turned round to address some conversation to her young companion, espied him, and sprang to her feet. She recognised in the puma as in others of his race a deadly enemy.

When attacking an ant-castle, the tamanoir strikes a hole in the wall of clay with his powerful, crooked claws. The warrior-ants then issue out by thousands to resent the insult, while the labourers retire to the inmost recesses. The soldiers swarm on every part of their assailant, but their sharp mandibles are unable to pierce its thick skin.

Although Leon pitied the poor tamanoir, yet he dared not interfere, and would have permitted the puma to finish his work, but at that moment a sharp pain, which he suddenly felt in his ankle, caused him to start upon his seat, and utter an involuntary scream. Leon looked down to ascertain what had caused him such a sudden pain. The sight that met his eyes made his blood run cold.

It is a very small creature not larger than the common grey squirrel with a prehensile tail like the tamandua. The tail, however, is not entirely naked only on the under side near the point. It is not so good a walker as the three-toed kind, though more active on its feet than the tamanoir.

Of course Guapo took care not to irritate it; for, when that is done, the ant-eater will either turn out of his way or stop to defend itself. The tamanoir is not so defenceless a creature as might at first sight be imagined by considering his small toothless mouth and slow motions.

Of course Guapo took care not to irritate it; for, when that is done, the ant-eater will either turn out of his way or stop to defend itself. The tamanoir is not so defenceless a creature as might at first sight be imagined by considering his small toothless mouth and slow motions.