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'And as they thus spake, Jesus Himself stood in the midst of them, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you. 37. But they were terrified and affrighted, and supposed that they had seen a spirit. 38. And He said unto them, Why are ye troubled? and why do thoughts arise in your hearts? 39.

The advocacy of the introduction of physical science into general education by George Combe and others commenced a good deal earlier; but the movement had acquired hardly any practical force before the time to which I refer. Essays in Criticism, p. 37.

On the 16th November, 1851, I was in my study at home at 37, Rue de la Tour d'Auvergne; it was about midnight. I was working. My servant opened the door. "Will you see M. , sir?" And he mentioned a name. "Yes," I said. Some one came in. I shall only speak reservedly of this eminent and distinguished man.

Then by the same process as before, 8,000/37.4 = 213.9, the centrifugal force in terms of the weight: 213.9 x 7, the diameter of the wheel = 1497.3, the square root of which, 38.3 x 4.01 = 155.187 feet per second, the highest velocity of the rims of railway carriage wheels that is consistent with safety. 155.187 feet per second is equivalent to 105.8 miles an hour.

The horse readily reverses the figures of the solution; he replies, "37," for instance, instead of "73," which is a mediumistic phenomenon so well-known and so frequent that it has been styled "mirror-writing."

The magnitudes of the components of gamma are four and four and a half, or, according to Hall, both four; distance 8.5", p. 180°. A few degrees above gamma, passing by beta, is a wide double lambda, magnitudes five and eight, distance 37", p. 45°, colors white and lilac or violet.

Project Gutenberg promotes digitization intext format”, meaning that a book can be copied, indexed, searched, analyzed and compared with other books. Contrary to other formats, the files are accessible for low-bandwidth use. = In a Few Words If the print book is 5 centuries and a half old, the electronic book is only 37 years old.

They owned "flocks and herds," and "very much cattle." Ex. xii. 4, 6, 32, 37, 38. From the fact that "every man" was commanded to kill either a lamb or a kid, one year old, for the Passover, before the people left Egypt, we infer that even the poorest of the Israelites owned a flock either of sheep or goats.

To this the others agreed, but when they left the bakery they went in the wrong direction, and had gone many squares before they realized their mistake. "Yes, you are going exactly in the opposite direction from 37 Bornheimer street," said a policeman whom they accosted. "Face about and enquire of policemen and postmen whom you meet, and in time you will get there."

Difficulties have been successively overcome, with the result which we have just seen, namely, 1.37 pounds of anthracite per effective horse power, or about half the carbon which a steam engine of the same power of excellent design, and well kept up, would consume.