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The total 'effective' workers, during the same time, was 586 artisans, 218; labourers, 368; and this gives the average number of effectives as nearly 98 per month; so that some idea may be formed of their individual earnings. In the month of November, the total number of effectives was 154; and they earned the large sum of L.823, 17s. 6d.

They wished to substitute for the previous calendar based on the old and very imperfect -trieteris- the contemporary Attic calendar of the -octaeteris-, which retained the lunar month of 29 1/2 days but assumed the solar year at 365 1/4 days instead of 368 3/4, and therefore, without making any alteration in the length of the common year of 354 days, intercalated, not as formerly 59 days every 4 years, but 90 days every 8 years.

Va. House Del. 1. Burk, Hist. Va. iv. 496-497. Jour. Va. House Del. 10. L. G. Tyler, Letters and Times of the Tylers, i. 81-83, where it is said to be taken from Abel's Life of John Tyler. Peyton, Hist. Augusta Co. 211. Peyton, Hist. Augusta Co. 211. Randall, Life of Jefferson, i. 352. Jour. Va. House Del. 15. Jefferson's Writings, viii. 368; Wirt, 231; Girardin, in Burk. Hist. Va. iv.

His arrangements were barely completed when news came in the middle of March that the Helvetii were burning their towns and villages, gathering their families into their wagons, and were upon the point of commencing their emigration. Their numbers, according to a register which was found afterward, were 368,000, of whom 92,000 were fighting men.

The report of the Secretary of the Treasury gives a full and interesting exhibit of the financial condition of the country. It shows that the ordinary revenues from all sources for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1883, amounted to $398,287,581.95, whereof there was received From customs $214,706,496.93 From internal revenue 144,720,368.98 From sales of public lands 7,955,864.42

Lowell, James Russell: an allusion, 33; on The American Scholar, 107; editorship, 221; club, 223; on the Burns speech, 225; on Emerson's bearing, 360, 361; Hawthorne biography, 368; on lectures, 379. Lowell, Mass., factories, 44. Luther, Martin: lecture, 73; his conservatism, 298; times mentioned, 382. Lyceum, the: a pulpit, 88; New England, 192; a sacrifice, 378. Lycurgus, 306.

Total number of disasters, 185 Total number of lives imperiled, 2583 Total number of lives saved, 2564 Total number of lives lost, 19 Total number of shipwrecked persons sheltered at the stations, 368 Total number of days' shelter afforded, 1307 Total value of property imperiled, $6,293,658 Total value of property saved, 4,514,756 Total value of property lost, 1,742,902

Paris, Trance: as a residence, 78; allusion, 167; salons, 184; visit, 196, 308. Parker, Theodore: a right arm of freedom, 127; at a party, 149; The Dial, 159, 160; editorship, 193; death, 228; essence of Christianity, 306; biography, 368; on Emerson's position, 411. Parkhurst, John, studied at Andover, 48. Parr, Samuel, allusion, 28. Past, party of the, 147.

January 15 found us passing through loose pack sometimes the ship was in large open leads we stopped on one of these and sounded. To our surprise we found 368 fathoms, volcanic rock in 72 degrees 0 minutes S., 168 degrees 17 minutes W. we found the depth 2322 fathoms, so we had struck the continental shelf right enough in Latitude 73 degrees.

Warren, John Collins, Transcendentalism and Temperance, 149. Warren, Judge, of New Bedford, 67. Warwick Castle, fire, 275. Washington City, addresses, 307. Waterville College, Adelphi Society, 135-142. Webster, Daniel: E.B. Emerson's association with, 19; on Tudor, 28, 29; literary rank, 33; Seventh-of-March Speech, 303; times mentioned, 382. Weiss, John, Parker biography, 368.