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Updated: August 22, 2024

In that felicitous state, he was consciously aware of being dead to the delusive sensory world of MAYA. The yogi is fully aware of his bodily condition of suspended animation. "KRIYA YOGA is an instrument through which human evolution can be quickened," Sri Yukteswar explained to his students.

'He shone like the sun. 'Arise; forsake your sleep, he commanded me. 'Come with Yukteswar to see me." "I could scarcely believe my eyes when Rama dressed himself and was strong enough after that fatal sickness to walk to the home of our guru. There he prostrated himself before Lahiri Mahasaya with tears of gratitude. "The master was beside himself with mirth.

But divine insight is painful to worldly ears; Master was not popular with superficial students. The wise, always few in number, deeply revered him. I daresay Sri Yukteswar would have been the most soughtafter guru in India had his words not been so candid and so censorious. "I am hard on those who come for my training," he admitted to me. "That is my way; take it or leave it.

They confronted in Master either a frigid indifference or a formidable opposition: ice or iron! A noted chemist once crossed swords with Sri Yukteswar. The visitor would not admit the existence of God, inasmuch as science has devised no means of detecting Him. "So you have inexplicably failed to isolate the Supreme Power in your test tubes!" Master's gaze was stern.

"Lahiri Mahasaya's words were mild and healing, even when he was forced to speak openly of a chela's faults," Sri Yukteswar once told me. He added ruefully, "No disciple ever fled from our master's barbs." I could not help laughing, but I truthfully assured Sri Yukteswar that, sharp or not, his every word was music to my ears.

I obeyed, and was astounded to observe Auddy in the act of exhaling rings of cigaret smoke. My glance toward Sri Yukteswar was apologetic. "You are right, as always, sir. Auddy is enjoying a puff along with a panorama." I surmised that my friend had received a gift from the cab driver; I knew Auddy had not carried any cigarets from Calcutta.

"Young yogi, I see you are running away from your master. He has everything you need; you must return to him. Mountains cannot be your guru." Ram Gopal was repeating the same thought which Sri Yukteswar had expressed at our last meeting. "Masters are under no cosmic compulsion to limit their residence." My companion glanced at me quizzically.

I felt the materialistic, twentieth-century world slipping from me; was I back in the ancient days when Jesus appeared before Peter on the sea? As Sri Yukteswar, a modern Yogi-Christ, reached the spot where Dijen and I were speechlessly rooted, Master smiled at my friend and remarked: "I sent you a message too, but you were unable to grasp it." Dijen was silent, but glared at me suspiciously.

Masters who possess the Divine Vision are fully able to transfer their realizations to advanced disciples, as Lahiri Mahasaya did for Sri Yukteswar on this occasion. And Jesus answered and said, Suffer ye thus far. And he touched his ear and healed him."-LUKE 22:50-51.

In the exact sequence Sri Yukteswar had indicated, these visions took ultimate form. First came my founding of a boys' yoga school on a Ranchi plain, then my American headquarters on a Los Angeles hilltop, finally a hermitage in southern California by the vast Pacific. Master never arrogantly asserted: "I prophesy that such and such an event shall occur!"

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