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I'm a brute a mean, selfish devil! If that fellow Waterfield was to horse-whip me I should let him. Tho. Theer wur that yung chap yere a while agoo, and he said aw wur to say to Maister William what wur it aw're to say? Yigh it wur "Bill's been. O'reet." Col. G. There, sir! I told you so. Do sit down. I'll go after her. Ger. I will. I will. Only make haste. Tho. Th' boy said he'd be yere direckly.

"Aw could like yo to gi mo a bit o' summat, Mr Eccles, for aw need it" "Well, but you've some lodgers, haven't you, Mary?" "Yigh; aw've three." "Well; what do they pay you?" "They pay'n mo nought. They'n no wark, an' one connot turn 'em eawt." This was all quite true. "Well, but you live with your son; don't you?" continued the chairman.

The name is not an oncommon one. There's Mattie Kent? Tho. Nay; it's noan o' her. James. Then there's Mattie Winchfield? Tho. Nay; it's noan o' her. James. Then there's Mattie Pearson? Tho. Yigh, that's hoo! That's hoo! Wheer? Wheer? James. Well, it's too far for a man of your age to walk. But I'll call a cab, and we'll go comfortable. Tho. But aw connot affoord to peigh for a cab as yo co it.

Be mo Mattie hungry dun yo think? Bill. Many and many's the time, daddy. Tho. Yigh afore her dinner! Bill. And after it too, daddy. Tho. O Lord! And what does hoo do when hoo 's hungry? Bill. Grins and bears it. Come and see her, daddy? Tho. O Lord! Mo Mattie, an' nothin' to eight! Goo on, boy. Aw'm beawn to follow yo. Tak mo wheer yo like. Aw'll goo. Bill. Come along then, daddy.

They're awterin' o' their organs to this pattern, neaw. I believe they're for sellin th' organ at Manchester owd church, so as they can ha' one like this. 'Thou never says! said Betty. 'Yigh, said Robin, 'it's true, what I'm telling yo. But aw mun be off, Betty.

An' aw'm glad yo're theer, sir; for William he towd mo to stay till he coom back; but aw've not geet so mich time to spare; and so be's yo're a friend ov th' maister's, yo'll mebbe mind th' shop a smo' bit. War. I say, old man your name's Thomas Pearson ain't it? Tho. Yigh. Aw yer. But hea cooms to to knaw mo name? War. I know all about you. Tho. Ivvery body knaws ivvery body yere!

Never you mind, daddy. It wur guv to me. James. That's what they allus says, sir. You come along. I'd be obliged to you, sir, if you would come too, and say you saw him. Tho. Nay! aw connot say aw seigh him steyle it. James. You saw it in his hand. Tho. Yigh! aw did. Bill. It wis guv to me, I tell ye. James. Honest boy, this one! Looks like it, don't he, sir?