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Updated: August 28, 2024

He had the weakness of these natures wishing to content everyone. No question of principle seemed to him worthy of the inestimable enjoyment of peace. Avec les differents partis il se laissait aller a des paroles, a des engagements contradictoires; de la une apparence de dissimulation, bien eloignee de sa nature. The prisoner of Wilhelmshoehe belongs to the past.

He was born in Wilhelmshoehe, January 28th, 1860, where his father commanded a company of soldiers in the royal castle. In his early youth he was sent to New York to meet a relative whom he never found. One Sunday morning, homeless and friendless, he accosted me after service at the door of the church.

It was but twenty-four hours after he had left Sedan to seek, and seek in vain, the King of Prussia, that the third Napoleon the modern man of destiny who had climbed so high and fallen so very low set out on his journey to the Palace of Wilhelmshoehe, never to set foot on French soil again.

Regnier says that he drew from his portfolio the photograph of Hastings with the Prince Imperial's little note to his father at its foot and handed the paper in silence to Bismarck; and that after the latter had looked at it for some moments, Regnier said, "I come, Count, to ask you to grant me a pass which will permit me to go to Wilhelmshoehe and give this autograph into the Emperor's hands."

Regnier then said that as he found no encouragement at Hastings he would probably go to Wilhelmshoehe, where he would perhaps be better understood; and he produced a photographic view of Hastings on which he begged that the Prince Imperial would write a line to his father.

She told me that her first wish on reaching England had been to proceed with her son to the Emperor at Wilhelmshoehe; but on applying to the Prussian authorities, she could obtain no assurance that she and her son should not be treated as prisoners of war; and under these circumstances the Emperor forbade her to come. Poor, poor Paris! when shall you and I ever see it again? From Lord Westbury

The Ambassador in London of the North German Confederation may possibly say, "I think the King of Prussia would prefer treating for peace with the Imperial Government rather than with the Republic." If so, I shall start to-morrow for Wilhelmshoehe, after having paid a visit to the Empress.

Why he should have applied to Bismarck for this is not apparent, since he might have gone direct from Hastings to Wilhelmshoehe without any necessity for invoking the Chancellor's offices. Sir, our position is before you; what can you offer us? with whom can we treat?

Upon this the Chancellor went away to meet Jules Favre with the parting words to Regnier, "Be so good as to present my respectful homage to his Imperial Majesty when you reach Wilhelmshoehe." At a subsequent meeting the same evening Regnier repeated his anxiety to go at once to Metz and Strasburg and make an agreement that these places should be surrendered only in the Emperor's name.

In other words, the Empress was willing that he should visit the Emperor at Cassel, authenticating him thus far by the Prince Imperial's little note; but she put her veto on his undertaking intrigues detrimental to the interests of France. Regnier by no means took the road for Wilhelmshoehe.

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