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How many could bear the ribald distortions of that lens-like seidel bottom and yet keep their charm? How many thus caricatured and vivisected, could command this free reading notice from a casual American, dictating against time and space to a red-haired stenographer, three thousand and five hundred miles away?

"I see. Your powers of scientific research are indeed remarkable; but did it never strike you that even vivisection might be carried too far too far for the comfort of the vivisected, I mean; not for the enjoyment of the vivisector?" "It is awfully good for people to feel things," persisted Elisabeth. "Is it?

To the right for one, alas! cannot live in a dream for ever is a lovely doorway through which one sees the river. Facing it is another doorway, showing a fragment of the poor, vivisected island, some ruined walls, and still another doorway in which, again, is framed the Nile. Many people have cut their names upon the walls of Philae.

X. Y. has murdered his uncle and vivisected his grandmother: how interesting to ascertain his favourite novel, and whether he approves of the bicycle for ladies! For one person who knows anything of the artistic output of the day there are ten who know all about the producers and how much money they are making.

"No, I'm not," she answered reflectively. "I wonder why?" "Why? Oh, you're a product of the times the primeval instincts almost civilised out of you." Nan sprang to her feet with a laugh. "I won't stay here to be vivisected one moment longer!" she declared. "People like you ought to be blindfolded." "Anything you like so long as I'm forgiven."

"What is your wish?" "Ask another." "Fleur," said Mont, and his voice sounded strange, "don't mock me! Even vivisected dogs are worth decent treatment before they're cut up for good." Fleur shook her head; but her lips were trembling. "Well, you shouldn't make me jump. Give me a cigarette." Mont gave her one, lighted it, and another for himself.

I roused der fair Sylva and kissed her a few times to make her scream into a record, and I interpolated her screamings into der last code transmission. Your wise men think der Martians haff vivisected her. They are concentrating der entire fighting force of der United Nations outside der dome of force. And all for a few kisses!" Thorn was white with rage. His eyes burned with a terrible fury.

"What is your wish?" "Ask another." "Fleur," said Mont, and his voice sounded strange, "don't mock me! Even vivisected dogs are worth decent treatment before they're cut up for good." Fleur shook her head; but her lips were trembling. "Well, you shouldn't make me jump. Give me a cigarette." Mont gave her one, lighted it, and another for himself.

But as I have touched upon medicine, let me say for I ought here to say it that there are some methods of modern medicine which Theosophy emphatically condemns. It declares that no knowledge which is gained from a tortured, a vivisected creature, is legitimate, even if it were as useful as it has been proved to be useless.

I do not want him to be psychologically vivisected by people who want everything he knows, and won't believe there are limits to it. So long as he's at large, there probably won't be frenzied questioning of the others." "The things in the belt are very simple," said Gail unsteadily, "and the children were scared and jumpy when they were taken away.