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The male flowers of vallisneria approach still nearer to apparent animality, as they detach themselves from the parent plant, and float on the surface of the water to the female ones. Botanic Garden, Part II. Art. Vallisneria.

Might not this also succeed with the canvas-backs? "I resolved upon making the experiment. The flock was in a position to enable me to do so. They were to the leeward of a sedge of the vallisneria. The wind would carry my skiff through this; and the green bushes with which I intended to disguise it would not be distinguished from the sedge, which was also green. "The thing was feasible.

The stamens of a passion-flower do not more eagerly, as it seems, coil upwards to embrace the pistil; the beautiful stamina flower of the Vallisneria spiralis does not more determinately seek its mate than these crystal pendants covet union with their fellows below.

Among the Ducks, the Canvas-Back is found; but, owing to the want of its favorite food in the Chesapeake, the Vallisneria, it is, in our waters, a very ordinary duck, as an article of food. The waters of Illinois abound with fish, of which class we enumerate,

She gave a little gasp, and her other hand rested for an instant, as white and as light as thistle-down, upon his shoulder. "James, James!" she cried. "Don't you see that he is stricken to the heart?" He turned her quietly away from him. "I am not an emotional man," he said. "I have my duties my research on Vallisneria. The brougham is there. Your cloak is in the hall.

This is the Vallisneria spiralis, a remarkable plant, which may be also met with in Southern Europe, especially in the Canal of Languedoc, and regarding the fructification of which different opinions prevail." "Nearer to the land, we observe similar grass-like leaves, but with little yellow stellated flowers: these belong to the order of Schollera graminea.

"I am constitutionally averse to anything in the nature of show or ceremony. My wife is a sensible woman I may even go the length of saying that, for a woman, she is abnormally sensible. She quite agreed with me in the course which I have adopted." "And your research on Vallisneria?"

Warrington first kept, for many months, in a vase of unchanged water, two small gold fish and a plant of Vallisneria spiralis; and two years afterwards began a similar experiment with sea-water, weeds, and anemones, which were, at last, as successful as the former ones. Mr. Gosse had, in the meanwhile, with tolerable success begun a similar method, unaware of what Mr.

So luxuriant was the growth of the vallisneria under these circumstances, that by the autumn the one solitary plant originally introduced had thrown out very numerous offshoots and suckers, thus multiplying to the extent of upwards of thirty-five strong plants, and these threw up their long spiral flower-stems in all directions, so that at one time more than forty blossoms were counted lying on the surface of the water.

II. Stamens and pistils of plants shew marks of sensibility. III. Vegetables possess some degree of volition. IV. Motions of plants are associated like those of animals. Vegetable structure like that of animals, their anthers and stigmas are living creatures. Male-flowers of Vallisneria. 2. Whether vegetables, possess ideas?