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The young shoots of the Nymphæa are doubtless tempting food, as those of the Vallisneria are on the Chesapeake and the North Carolina sounds. Sustenance may be drawn also from the roots of the rushes and reeds which cover with their yellow stems and leaves many acres of the lake, and are thronged now by several species of small birds.

Birds of passage The acquired habits of plants Irritability of plants increased by previous exposure to cold Lichen produces the first vegetation on rocks Plants holding water Madder colours the bones of young animals Colours of animals serve to conceal them Warm bathing retards old age Male flowers of Vallisneria detach themselves from the plant, and float to the female ones

Hence rainy seasons make a scarcity of grain, or hinder its fecundity, by bursting the pollen before it arrives at the moist stigma of the flower. Spallanzani's Dissertations, v. II. p. 321. Thus the flowers of the male Vallisneria are produced under water, and when ripe detach themselves from the plant, and rising to the surface are wafted by the air to the female flowers.

On the shaded riverbanks grew abundance of English genera Cynoglossum, Veronica, Potentilla, Ranunculus sceleratus, Rumex, several herbaceous Compositae and Labiatae; Tamarix formed a small bush in rocky hillocks in the bed of the river, and in pools were several aquatic plants, Zannichellia, Chara, a pretty little Vallisneria, and Potamogeton.

"The skiff was nearly an hour in pushing its way through the field of vallisneria, and once or twice it remained for a considerable time motionless. A stronger breeze, however, would spring up, and then the sound of the reeds rubbing the sides of the boat would gratefully admonish me that I was moving ahead.

Crisped leaves are known in a mallow, Malva crispa, and as a variety in cabbages, parsley, lettuce and others. Screw-like stems with wide spirals are specific in the flower-stalks of Cyclamen and Vallisneria, varietal in Juncus effusus spiralis and accidental in Scirpus lacustris. Cleft leaves, one of the most general anomalies, are typical in Boehmeria biloba.

"I saw that the pochards did not interfere with either of the other species, contenting themselves with feeding upon what neither of the others cared for the green leaves of the vallisneria, which, after being stripped of their roots, were floating in quantities on the surface of the water.

Its stem floats, an airy four-celled tube, adapting itself to the depth, though never stiff in shallows, like the stalk of the yellow lily: and it contracts and curves when seed-time approaches, though not so ingeniously as the spiral threads of the European Vallisneria, which uncoil to let the flowers rise to the surface, and then cautiously retract, that the seeds may ripen on the very bottom of the lake.

Hound the mouths of the rivers that run into this bay, there are extensive shoals of brackish water; these favour the growth of a certain plant of the genus vallisneria a grass-like plant, standing several feet out of the water, with deep green leaves, and stems, and having a white and tender root.

This receiver was about half-filled with ordinary spring-water, and supplied at the bottom with sand and mud, together with loose stones of limestone tufa from Matlock, and of sandstone: these were arranged so that the fish could get below.... A small plant of Vallisneria spiralis was introduced, its roots being inserted in the mud and sand, and covered by one of the loose stones, so as to retain the plant in its position.... The materials being thus arranged, all appeared to go on well for a short time, until circumstances occurred which indicated that another and very material agent was required to perfect the adjustment. The decaying leaves of the vallisneria produced a slime which began to affect the fish injuriously: this it was necessary to get quit of.