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Updated: August 15, 2024

They have called to me through the vapour of carnage that was around them; 'Are we yet unavenged? Is the sword of Hermanric yet sheathed? Night after night have I seen this vision and heard those voice, and hoped for no respite until the day that saw the army encamped beneath the walls of Rome, and raising the scaling ladders for the assault!

Inez Catheron, you are a noble woman a brave woman; was it well to aid your brother to escape? was it well, for the sake of saving the Catheron honor and the Catheron name, to permit a most cruel and cowardly murder to go unavenged?" What was it that looked up at him out of her eyes? Infinite pity, infinite sorrow, infinite pain.

Knowest thou Sir John Comyn is murdered murdered by the arch traitor thou hast saved from our wrath?" "I heard it, good my liege," calmly returned Gloucester. "Robert of Carrick was no temper to pass by injuries, aggravated, traitorous injuries, unavenged." "And this is all thou sayest!" exclaimed Edward, his wrath once again gaining dominion.

"It means, my lad," she said, "it means all of you ... that what I said was true ... that Adam is innocent of crime ... for he lies here dead ... and the Lord will see that his death shall not remain unavenged."

Torture will not bring the truth. Mark you, Jamadar, I will make the compact with him. Do not lead an objection, but trust me." "But the dead Chief, Commander ?" "Yes, because of him; he loved his people. And the knowledge that yon dog has he would not have sacrificed." "But is Amir Khan to be unavenged?" the jamadar queried.

Burney thinks the Maoris felt a certain contempt for the English, either because they were too generous in their dealings, or else because the murders were unavenged. The gardens that had been made at the last visit had in some respects prospered; in particular the potatoes from the Cape had improved in quality, but as they had been appreciated by the natives, there were few to be got.

Most of the officers were his creatures: with the common soldiers his hint was law. His ambition was boundless, his pride indomitable, his imperious spirit could not brook an injury unavenged. One moment would now precipitate him from the height of grandeur into the obscurity of a private station.

The Captain was watching to see where my hand moved, and I know not how many armed men were in the court-yard, besides the servants waiting at the other end of the hall. So I obeyed the Count's gesture, merely saying: "You will find I am not a person who will go unavenged in case of indignity." The Count laughed, in his dry, sharp manner, and walked by my side. The Captain followed.

Strong in Battle said aside, in French: "He was never second in the house. Kahauiti despised such men. He was first always." "So the slaying of Beaten to Death was unavenged?" I asked. "Epo! Do not drink the cocoanut till you have descended the tree! I have said the warriors were withheld by the women, and there was no great man to lead. Yet the drums beat at night, and the fighting men came.

The raids of the new chieftain swept the border to the very gates of Chester, while his conquest of Glamorgan seemed to bind the whole people together in a power strong enough to meet any attack from the stranger. So pressing was the danger that it called the king's eldest son, Edward, to the field; but his first appearance in arms ended in a crushing defeat. The defeat however remained unavenged.

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