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Lilias squints a little in consequence of the umpteen fits she had, which turned her eyes round, and my face is still swollen, and three front teeth dropped out, but otherwise we are quite well, and the Doctor says things might have been much worse, for at least our lives were spared. I think we ought to see a specialist, but Miss Walters won't hear of it.

"Fayle's ship might have got wrecked accidentally, of course. But the way he took off shows he planned to disappear a crack-up on top of that would be too much of a coincidence. So any one of umpteen thousands of organizations in the Hub might be the one that has that plasmoid now!" "Including," said Holati, "any one of the two hundred and fourteen restricted worlds.

As he passed by me he growled: "There's a 'ell of a stunt on there'll be umpteen slabs for the mortuary." It was a warm, sunny afternoon. About a dozen of us were pitching a marquee in leisurely fashion, when suddenly there was a shout of "Fritz up!" We gazed at the sky, and, after searching for a while, saw a tiny white speck moving slowly across the blue at an immense height.

The cavalcade of vehicles arrived at the appointed spot umpteen miles from nowhere and pulled up in a circle. Thorn climbed out wearily and saw the man who called himself Sorensen climb out of the second jeep. From the first time he had seen him, Thorn had tagged Sorensen as an Angry Old Man. Not that he was really getting old; he was still somewhere on the brisk side of fifty.

Lower prices sometimes deter competition and new entrants. A multiplicity of vendors, retail outlets, producers, or suppliers does not always foster competition. And many products have umpteen substitutes. Consider films cable TV, satellite, the Internet, cinemas, video rental shops, all offer the same service: visual content delivery. And then there is the issue of technological standards.

There is one thing those trenches were good cover, for we would no sooner occupy them than we would be covered up entirely. I would defy an aeroplane with the best "made in Germany" spectacles to discover whether we were men or mummies. But we had one very exciting trench-digging expedition. We dug, if you please, into an old city, and broke into tombs umpteen thousand years old.

It was the day for ginger puddings, and we all thought they tasted rather queer, somehow, but it is not etiquette here to leave anything on your plate, so we made an effort and finished our rations. Well, about ten minutes afterwards most of us were taken with umpteen fits. We writhed about the room in agony, and thought our last hour had come.

"I'm on," says I. "When do I start?" There's a train at three-thirty-four; so that gives me time to chase around to the house after a grip, then back to the office to gather up a bundle of late letters, and pike for Jersey City. And at that it's five o'clock before I'm landed at a little flag station umpteen miles beyond nowhere. My! but the north end of Jersey has some up and down to it, though!

Three men were lying up against a garden wall. We asked them for news. They could not tell us much, except that the Germans were still advancing. "We was at Dickebusch when 'e started slingin' stuff over gorblimy, 'e don't 'alf wallop yer umpteen of our mates got bleed'n' well biffed. We cleared out afore it got too 'ot."

This would comfortably keep me away during the month of March when my brothers would be studying for their school finals and I would return in time to enjoy the April-May vacations when our cousins from Belgaum, Lucano and Ricardo, would join us for a whole summer season of mangoes, jackfruits and umpteen picnics on the beach.