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"They explained," he continued, "that before sailing you had expressed the hope that something really exciting and adventurous would befall the party that you were tired of the monotonous humdrum of twentieth-century existence that you regretted the decadence of piracy, and the expunging of romance from the seas. "Mr.

There's a whistle close to my ear, so sharp it cuts through the motor noise." My heart beat almost as fast as if I were in the monoplane myself when Eagle was ready to start, looking like a twentieth-century, leather-masked Apollo starting out to drive his sun chariot up to the zenith and down the other side. The motor purred, and the propeller began to revolve.

The collection of watches is a hobby indulged in by but few; there are, however, many single examples included in household curios, and not infrequently several handsomely engraved old watch cases are seen exhibited in the modern glass-topped curio tables so fashionable in twentieth-century drawing-rooms now and then the interest in them being increased by the musical bells of the repeaters, many of which were made a century or more ago.

But while this might satisfy a languid twentieth-century curiosity as to a matter so remote in time, you will naturally want a little more detail.

He was no snob. He thought himself better than no man. That was all. "In short, he's modern but not too modern. My twentieth-century arguments were brushed aside as mere fads. And yet there's probably not an important case tried in any court in either hemisphere that he doesn't read learn something from if he can.

It seems probable that the anti-political element in the new revolutionary unionism will soon be outgrown. When this happens, it will meet the revolutionary majority of the Socialists on an identical platform. For this revolutionary majority is steadily laying on more weight on economic organization. Edmond Kelly, "Twentieth-Century Socialism," p. 152. Winston Churchill, op. cit., p. 73.

So, if I have read my history aright, the emasculation of the League of Nations by the American obstructionists caused, or at least permitted the rise, and dominance of the Bolshevists in Twentieth-Century Germany.

Sometimes I believe that you were made for something different, that in spite of your success you have missed your 'metier." "What ought I to have been?" "How can I tell? A Goethe, perhaps a Goethe smothered by a twentieth-century environment. Your love of adventure isn't dead, it's been merely misdirected, real adventure, I mean, forth faring, straying into unknown paths.

So far, then, as we find in the furniture of the Georgian period, or of Louis Quinze, or even of the ancient Greeks, such suggestions as will help us to live this twentieth-century life more comfortably and agreeably, we may with good conscience borrow or imitate.

When they think of the early twentieth-century painters they will think only of the artists who tried to create form the artisans who tried to create illusions will be forgotten. They will think of the men who looked to the present, not of those who looked to the past; and, therefore, it is of them alone that I shall think when I attempt to describe the contemporary movement.