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He had departed before Clotilde heard a step. Immediately thereupon it came: to her mind that Tresten was one of Alvan's bosom friends. How, then, could he be of neither party?

I thoroughly know the girl's heart, and know that in winning the interview I win her. Only' he pressed his friend's arm 'but, my dear Tresten, you understand. You're a luckier fellow than I for the time, at all events. Make it as short as you can. You'll find me here. I shall take a book one of the Pandects. I don't suppose I shall work. I feel idle. Any book handy; anything will interest me.

Tresten, her father said, talked of his friend Alvan as wild and eccentric, but now becoming convinced that such a family as hers could never tolerate him considering his age, his birth, his blood, his habits, his politics, his private entanglements and moral reputation, it was partly hinted. She shuddered at this false Tresten.

Letters to Clotilde, and to the baroness, to the friend nearest him just then, Colonel von Tresten, calling them to him, were dashed to paper in this naked frenzy, and he could rave with all the truth of life, that to have acted the idiot, more than the loss of the woman, was the ground of his anguish. Each antecedent of his career had been a step of strength and success departed.

What character of man is this Dr. Storchel? Tresten described Count Hollinger's envoy, so quaintly deputed to act the part of legal umpire in a family business, as a mild man of law with no ideas or interests outside the law; spectacled, nervous, formal, a stranger to the passions; and the baroness was amused to hear of Storchel and Alvan's placid talk together upon themes of law, succeeded by the little advocate's bewildered fright at one of Alvan's gentler explosions.

Two things had helped her to carry out her engagement to submit in this final instance of dutifulness one was the sight of that hateful rigid face and glacier eye of Tresten; the other was the loophole she left for subsequent insurgency by engaging to write to Count Hollinger's envoy, Dr. Storchel.

He stood bareheaded for coolness, looking in the direction Tresten had taken, his forehead shining and eyes charged with the electrical activity of the mind, reading intensely all who passed him, without a thought upon any of these objects in their passage.

'That seems monstrous! if one could be astonished by her, said the baroness. 'When is she to write? 'She may write: the letter will find no receiver, said Tresten, significantly raising his eyebrows. 'The legal gentleman is gone blown from a gun! He's off home. He informed me that he should write to the General, throwing up his office, and an end to his share in the business.

I thoroughly know the girl's heart, and know that in winning the interview I win her. Only' he pressed his friend's arm 'but, my dear Tresten, you understand. You're a luckier fellow than I for the time, at all events. Make it as short as you can. You'll find me here. I shall take a book one of the Pandects. I don't suppose I shall work. I feel idle. Any book handy; anything will interest me.

Can she think it much to have married that drab-coloured unit? Power must be grasped . . . . His watch told him that Tresten was now beholding her, or just about to. The stillness of the heavens was remarkable. The hour held breath. She delayed her descent from her chamber. He saw how she touched at her hair, more distinctly than he saw the lake before his eyes.