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"How many homesteaders did you succeed in nabbing out of that last train-load?" "About a hundred, Senator! I've got the list of 'em here . . . haven't counted, but think it will tally up about a hundred." "What are they, Germans?" "No, Swedes." Moyese laughed. "Thrifty beggars will job round and earn double while they're operating for us! Got good big families, Bat?"

"It's you for the hustle now, Ford," said Adair, linking arms with the engineer when the quartet left the bank. "How soon do you think you can get that first train-load of grain in transit?" "I wish I could tell you," said Ford. "Why can't you?" "Because it will depend very largely upon the authority Mr. Colbrith or the board sees fit to give me.

He was speaking through our carriage window and I stared out beyond him at a train-load of troops on the far side of the station. "One comes to us," said I. I was watching a German sergeant, who had dragged his belongings from that train and was crossing toward us. "Aye!" said Ranjoor Singh, so that I knew now there had been purpose in his visit. "Beware of him."

Then there is that Silhouette of Sorrow that my friend brought back from Germany, he who was on the Peace Ship Commission, and who saw a train-load of German boys leaving a certain German town to fill in the gaps caused by the losses at Verdun; and because this sorrow is characteristic of the mother sorrow of the whole world, and especially of the American mother, and because it has a note of wonderful triumph, I tell it.

Lady Verningham was talking to me just before tea, when the second train-load arrived. I tried to be quite indifferent, but I did feel dreadfully excited when Lord Robert walked in. Oh, he looked such a beautiful creature, so smart, and straight, and lithe!

As our train-load drew up at the platform, the officer in charge it was Captain Blaikie, supported by Bobby Little stepped out, saluted the somewhat rotund Colonel Hyde whom he saw before him, and proffered a sheaf of papers. "Good-morning, sir," he said. "Here is my train statement. Shall I carry on with the unloading? I have all my parties detailed."

A second round-up was required to complete the train-load of beeves. They were not uniform in weight or age, and would require reclassing before loading aboard the cars. Their flesh and finish were fully up to standard, but the manner in which they were acquired left them uneven, their ages varying from four to seven years.

It would be much better for Rufford to kill me than for me to let Judson have the chance to kill a train-load of innocent people." "And yet, a few moments ago, you called yourself a coward, cousin mine. Could you really face such an alternative without flinching?" "It doesn't appeal to me as a question involving any special degree of courage," he said slowly.

As it was, however, according to the testimony of every witness, a train-load of troops would come to the docks at Port Tampa, apparently without orders or assignment to any particular steamer, and while they were waiting to learn what they should do, and while their train was still blocking the way, another train-load of soldiers would arrive in a similar state of ignorance and add to the disorder and confusion.

How often nowadays does one ever see a carriage pair, or fours in the park or elsewhere that really needs "driving"? "Shipping" cattle means loading them into railroad cars and despatching them to their destination. The cattle are first penned in a corral and then run through chutes into the cars. One year I sold the Company's steers, a train-load, to a Jew dealer in Kansas.