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Why even a humble learner like myself, though not so learned even to the extent of one ten-thousandth part of his knowledge, more than ten years ago anticipated what the good doctor has said; and I said much more and in much more comprehensive terms.

It can hardly be doubted that a great deal of ice is formed here in the water, which in the spring is broken off, and dispersed over the sea; but this island cannot produce the ten-thousandth part of what we saw; so that either there must be more land, or the ice is formed without it.

Heaving a little sigh as he dismissed her, for the ten-thousandth time, from his mind, he was turning his back on the Post-Office that precious casket which contained so rich but unattainable a jewel when he remembered that he had a letter in his pocket to post. Turning back, he sprang up the steps. The great mouth was not yet wide open.

One may learn much, it is true, of the wonders of nature in the dead time of the year by watching the great trout on the spawn beds as they pile up the gravel day by day, and store up beautiful, transparent ova, of which but a ten-thousandth part will live to replenish the stock for future years.

The mind positively reels before the story that is here revealed; we, who are feebly accustomed to regard the course of recorded history as the crucial and critical period of the life of the world, must be sobered by the reflection that the whole of the known history of the human race is not the thousandth, not the ten-thousandth part of the history of the planet.

Men accustomed to this class of work can readily detect an increase or decrease in diameter of one ten-thousandth part of an inch." "You certainly have it down fine, Mr. Nebett," Hamilton commented. "We try to," responded his guide. "Then when the barrel experts have had their turn, the gun is assembled and goes to the action men." "Who are they?" asked the boy.

And so next day, on our ride, I took the tone I did. I was a fool; of course. All men are, when they strike too soon. But if you had had any real feeling in your heart for me if you had cared one ten-thousandth part for me, as I care for you, you couldn't have treated me as you did last night so outrageously so cruelly!" The strong man beside her was now trembling from head to foot.

As we walked away we were busily discussing the case of a poor consumptive fellow who previously had lost a leg. In consequence of this defect, Dr. Zwanzig considered that the ten-thousandth of a grain of aurum would be an overdose, and that it must be fractioned so as to allow for the departed leg, otherwise the rest of the man would be getting a leg-dose too much.

In the diagram the process is represented up to the ten-thousandth generation, and under a condensed and simplified form up to the fourteen-thousandth generation. But I must here remark that I do not suppose that the process ever goes on so regularly as is represented in the diagram, though in itself made somewhat irregular.

A man forgets that virtue is its own reward, and asks, What is the use of conjugal fidelity? I have been this day relieved from the condition of secrecy that has been imposed on me. You insisted on an explanation some time since. Here it is at last. For the ten-thousandth time, my dear, in our joint lives, you are again right.