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He said so at tea-time when she came out." Jim was silent. "Perhaps that was a blind," said Dick. "How long was it before he came back and said he couldn't find her?" "About half an hour, I should think. Not so much." "He must have found her. But, good heavens! he can't have persuaded her to run away with him in half an hour! He had never been alone with her before." "No."

Coils of perfectly pink smoke from the funnels floated over the copse, and two windows in the last compartment flashed so brilliantly in the sun, that it hurt their eyes to look at it. "Tea-time!" said Yulia Sergeyevna, getting up. She had grown somewhat stouter of late, and her movements were already a little matronly, a little indolent.

We do some lessons now, and that's a help and Jack insisted that I should engage this girl to take them out in the afternoon. I must be a wretched mother, for I am thankful every day afresh to hear the door bang behind them, and to know that I am free until tea-time." "Nonsense! Don't be artificial, Edie!

It was market-day; Stephen Whitelaw was not expected home till tea-time, and the meal was to be eaten at a later hour than usual. The rain increased as the time for the farmer's return drew nearer. He had gone out in the morning without his overcoat, Mrs. Tadman remembered, and was likely to get wet through on his way home, unless he should have borrowed some extra covering at Malsham.

He happened to come in about tea-time that afternoon, before, in fact, my lady had had an opportunity of seeing her husband. He found her alone and in a brown study, a thing most unusual with her and portending something. He watched her for a time in silence, seemed to draw courage from a still longer inspection of his boots, and then said, "So the cart is clean over, Betty?" She nodded.

Sneyd began thanking me as if I had been the person obliging instead of obliged, and when I got up from the breakfast table and went round to stop his thanks by mine, he took me in his arms and gave me a squeeze that left me as flat as a pancake, and then ran out of the room absolutely crying. We arrived at tea-time at Mrs. Keir, Mrs. Moilliet and their five children.

And rest me too; it does me a world o' good to see a young face. So take off your coat, my dear, and let us sit down and be comfortable." I was afraid at first that I could not; I had no liberty to be absent at tea-time. But Miss Cardigan assured me I should be home in good season; the school tea was at seven, and her own was always served at six.

'Now mind, Jackey. What I beg of you 'Mind the wretch, that could use me and your uncle as he has done; he is turned beggar to this creature! I beg of you, therefore, my dear 'My dear! there's for you! I wish thou wast as admirable for thy virtue, as for that baby-face of thine! And I hope to join you there by your tea-time in the afternoon!

Tucker had himself inspected the dam just before tea-time, and hadn't even seen the crack. It was a laboring man who had discovered it, through crossing the embankment lower down than usual. "But you see, sir," said he, in conclusion, "we lie very low here, and right in the track; and so we mustn't make light of a warning.

The agony he had suffered would pass from his mind like a bad dream. But when next day, about tea-time, an hour at which he was pretty certain to find Norah at home, he knocked at her door his courage suddenly failed him. Was it possible for her to forgive him? It would be abominable of him to force himself on her presence.