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Dod, they pappit ane anither wi' proverbs juist like skule laddies wi' snawba's. "There's Moses Certricht's wife awa' by there," says Mistress Kenawee, pointin' oot at the winda. "She's a clorty, weirdless-lookin' cratur. I'm dootin' Moses hasna muckle o' a hame wi' her, the gloidin' tawpie 'at she is." "Eh, haud your tongue!" said Mistress Mollison.

I hae ken'd mony an honest man wadna hae ventured this length without he had made his last will and testament Mattie had ill-will to see me set awa' on this ride, and grat awee, the sillie tawpie; but it's nae mair ferlie to see a woman greet than to see a goose gang barefit."

"I dinna ken, sir," said Ratcliffe; "I hae spoken to this Effie she's strange to this place and to its ways, and to a' our ways, Mr. Sharpitlaw; and she greets, the silly tawpie, and she's breaking her heart already about this wild chield; and were she the mean's o' taking him, she wad break it outright."

'Ye hae left the door open, ye tawpie! quo she. 'The ne'er o' that I did, quo I, 'or may my shakel bane never turn another key. When we got the candle lightit, a' the house was in a hoad-road. 'Bessy, my woman, quo she, 'we are baith ruined and undone creatures. 'The deil a bit, quo I; 'that I deny positively. H'mh! to speak o' a lass o' my age being ruined and undone!

I hae seen her gang by the window wi' him, an' spiered at Watty wha he was." "I don't like Wat's telling tales of Mary." "He dinna, Davvit, till I pit it tae him. He canna bear the tawpie, and doesna like to hae her p'inted oot as his sister. A body canna blame the laddie. It's a heap better than his fa'in' in luv wi' her." "Perhaps it is," groaned Isabel.

"I'll leave that for your pairt of it, ye girzie," said he. "Ye'll lee to me fast eneuch, when ye hae gotten a jo. I'm tellin' ye and it's true; when you have a jo, Miss Kirstie, it'll be for guid and ill. I ken: I was made that way mysel', but the deil was in my luck! Here, gang awa' wi' ye to your muirs, and let me be; I'm in an hour of inspiraution, ye upsetting tawpie!"

It was impossible to hear without admiration Kirstie's graduated disgust, as she brought forth, one after another, these somewhat baseless charges. Then she remembered her immediate purpose, and turned again on her fascinated auditor. "Do ye no hear me, tawpie? Do ye no hear what I'm tellin' ye? Will I have to shoo ye into him? If I come to attend to ye, mistress!"

"Canny, ye silly tawpie! think ye ae auld wife's less canny than anither? unless it be Alison Breck I really couldna in conscience swear for her; I have kent the boxes she set fill'd wi' partans, when" "Whisht, whisht, Maggie," whispered Jenny "your gudemither's gaun to speak again."

"I dinna ken, sir," said Ratcliffe; "I hae spoken to this Effie she's strange to this place and to its ways, and to a' our ways, Mr. Sharpitlaw; and she greets, the silly tawpie, and she's breaking her heart already about this wild chield; and were she the mean's o' taking him, she wad break it outright."

"Whisht! ye silly tawpie," said her father, "we have naething to do how they come by the bestial they sell be that atween them and their consciences. Aweel Take notice, Jenny, of that dour, stour-looking carle that sits by the cheek o' the ingle, and turns his back on a' men.