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The children's been brought up to think of just nothing but themselves; their eating and drinking, and dressing, and playing: there's sipping in the parlour all day long; drinking in the dining-room; swilling in the kitchen.

Can you tell me further, when the bands now gathering are likely to set forth?" "In brief breathing space," the falconer replied. "Those who first arrived I left swilling beer, and devouring pies and other provisions cooked for them last night, and from what I hear, they will set forth as soon as the last comer has arrived.

Swilling, I warrant me, at the ale, or playing their juggling tricks at the bedside of some miserly churl. Me, the heir of their founder me, whom their foundation binds them to pray for me ungrateful villains as they are! they suffer to die like the houseless dog on yonder common, unshriven and unhouseled!

They shook hands grimly among themselves and spat and girded their loins for their last fight. The German Cruiser turned slowly over and sank while they trained the gun.... A dismasted Destroyer, with riddled funnels and a foot of water swilling across the floor plates in the engine-room, bore down upon them about noon and took her crippled sister in tow.

Call to the hospital to see. Hope she's over. Long day I've had. Martha, the bath, funeral, house of Keyes, museum with those goddesses, Dedalus' song. Then that bawler in Barney Kiernan's. Got my own back there. Drunken ranters what I said about his God made him wince. Mistake to hit back. Or? No. Ought to go home and laugh at themselves. Always want to be swilling in company.

So the Prince threw it overboard, and it grew up into a mountain so high, right across the sea, that the Giant couldn't pass it, and the stream-sucker couldn't help him by swilling any more water.

Caudle, you shall ever have a key. I know you. Yes; you'd do exactly like that Prettyman, and what did he do, only last Wednesday? Why, he let himself in about four in the morning, and brought home with him his pot-companion, Puffy. His dear wife woke at six, and saw Prettyman's dirty boots at her bedside. And where was the wretch, her husband? Why, he was drinking downstairs swilling.

We must get some brandy it's cheaper," said Brigson; and accordingly some brandy was brought in, which the boys diluted with hot water, and soon despatched. "Here! before you're all done swilling," said Brigson, "I've got a health; 'Confound muffs and masters, and success to the anti's." "And their chairman, suggested Wildney. "And their chairman, the best fellow in the school," added Brigson.

She had seen him swilling the decks, she had seen him dancing a jig, she had seen him going round the main deck on all fours with Dick on his back, but she had never seen him going on like this before. She perceived now that he was exhausted, and in trouble about something, and, putting her hand in the pocket of her dress, she searched for something that she knew was there.

"I'm thirsty," said his son with a certain defiance, filling his glass to the brim and drinking it in one gulp. "That comes of revelling." His father shook his finger at him, but smiled at the same time. "It comes of swilling," thought Käte, and she shuddered with disgust again.