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But she had come back to Sutton to be married for her money; and to whom? an old, discarded lover. As she tossed to and fro, the recollections of the day turned in her brain, ticking loudly; and she could see each event as distinctly as the figures on the dial of a great clock.

He shook his head, frowning slightly, as a sign for her to stop. Sutton had come into the room. "You needn't go," he said, "I've only come for my coat and my case. I've got to help with the operations." He slipped into the white linen coat. There were thin smears of blood on the sleeves and breast. He groped about the room, peering short-sightedly for his case of instruments. "John, was Mrs.

Bob took advantage of her silence. "Everybody who sees you falls a victim, Cynthia," he went on; "Mrs. Duncan and Janet lost their hearts. You ought to have heard them praising you at breakfast." He paused abruptly, thinking of the rest of that conversation, and laughed. Bob seemed fated to commit himself that day. "I heard the way you handled Heth Sutton," he said, plunging in.

Young Derek Vane I've brought him along. . . ." Vane followed him into the room as he was speaking, and only he noticed that Joan half rose from her chair, and then sank back again, while a wave of colour flooded her cheeks, and then receded, leaving them deathly white. With every pulse in his body hammering, but outwardly quite composed, Vane shook hands with Mrs. Sutton.

Glegg, with the promptitude and emphasis of a mind naturally clear and decided; "but I can't think who you're talking of, for my part." "But I know," said Mrs. Pullet, sighing and shaking her head; "and there isn't another such a dropsy in the parish. I know as it's old Mrs. Sutton o' the Twentylands." "Well, she's no kin o' yours, nor much acquaintance as I've ever heared of," said Mrs.

But how shall we chronicle Bijah's rank and precedence in the Jethro army, in which there are neither shoulder-straps nor annual registers? To designate him as the Chamberlain of that hill Rajah, the Honorable Heth Sutton, would not be far out of the way. The Honorable Heth was Bijah's creation, and a grand creation he was, as no one will doubt when they see him.

"I never asked you to, you know." They walked on a little way in silence. "Met young Sutton at lunch," observed Calder. "He's been rusticating with some relations of old Van Merceron's. They've got a nice place apparently." "I particularly dislike Mr. Sutton." "All right. He sha'n't come when we're married. Eh? What?" "I didn't speak," said Miss Glyn, who had certainly done something.

Henrietta's work was rather to keep up her spirits at the prospect, than to prevent her from changing her purpose, which never altered, respecting a return to the neighbourhood of Knight Sutton, though whether to the house of the tempting name, was a question which remained in agitation during the rest of the autumn, for as surely as Rome was not built in a day, so surely cannot a house be bought or sold in a day, especially when a clever and cautious lawyer acts for one party.

"I regret extremely that my sense of justice demanded that I should make David Wheelock postmaster at Brampton, and I have made him so." It was now Cynthia's turn to be amazed. "But," she exclaimed, "but Cousin Ephraim is postmaster of Brampton." Mr. Sutton started violently, and that part of his face not hidden by his whiskers seemed to pale, and Mr.

Miller has decided shall be held at Shadonake this winter. The house is to be filled, and there are to be a series of dinner parties, culminating in a ball. "The Bayleys, the Westons, the Foresters, and two daughters, I suppose," reads Mrs. Miller, aloud, from the list in her hand, "Any more for the second dinner-party, Beatrice?" "Are you not going to ask the Daintrees, of Sutton, mother?"