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Updated: August 12, 2024

There is a lovely parallel to Catherine's prayer in the Paternoster of Dante's blessed souls in Purgatory: "Come del suo voler gli angeli tuoi Fan sacrificio a te, cantando osanna, Cosi facciano gli uomini de' suoi."

"Here Epicurus hath his fiery tomb, And with him all his followers, who maintain That soul and body share one common doom"; and is still better rendered by Dr. Parsons, "Here in their cemetery on this side, With his whole sect, is Epicurus pent, Who thought the spirit with its body died." "Suo cimitero da questa parte hanno Con Epieuro tutti i suoi seguaci, Che l'anima col corpo morta fanno."

Whereto His Excellency sagely replies that "la magistratura ha avuto i suoi motivi" the magistrates have had their reasons. Six years in confinement, and perhaps innocent! Can one wonder, under such circumstances, at the anarchist schools of Prato and elsewhere?

The quality, "spiacente a Dio ed ai nemici suoi," of the men who did not, ran through and through him. Lincoln required first a general who would make no fatal blunder, but he required too, when he could find him, a general of undaunted enterprise; he did not wish to expose the North to disaster, but he did mean to conquer the South.

For the rest, to say that Roderigo Borgia was wanting in energy and in will is to say something to which his whole career gives the loud and derisive lie, as will to some extent at least be seen in the course of this work. 1 Pasquale Villari in his Machiavelli i suoi Tempi

Dante's words about him L'amoroso drudo Della fede Cristiana, il santo atleta, Benigno a' suoi, ed a' nemici crudo, omit nothing that is needed to characterise the impression produced upon the Christian world by this remorseless foe of heresy, this champion of the faith who dealt in butcheries and burnings.

But who can stop il diavolo e gli suoi angeli? Why, signor, if they want foxes, I myself, Beppo Donati, would catch them any number for a paul or two. But they are all mad, all mad. And the dogs, it is well known how they became possessed; for," lowering his voice and coming nearer me, "I myself saw the arch-fiend himself and his legions enter them bodily. I will tell the signor how it was.

Come and behold thy Rome that is lamenting, Widowed, alone, and day and night exclaims 'My Caesar, why hast thou forsaken me? Come and behold how loving are the people; And if for us no pity moveth thee, Come and be made ashamed of thy renown." "O Alberto Tedesco, che abbandoni Costei ch' e fatta indomita e selvaggia, E dovresti inforcar li suoi arcioni,

It cannot be denied, however, that he often reached a high plane; perhaps the following lines show him at his best: "Quale sopra i nevosi ed alti monti Apollo spande il suo bel lume adorno, Tal' i crin suoi sopra la bianca gonna! Il tempo e'l luogo non ch'io conti, Che dov'è si bel sole è sempre giorno; E Paradiso, ov'è si bella Donna!" While still preoccupied with what Mrs.

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