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On examining its inscription, he saw that it was erected to the memory of a Prefect of Sardinia; and he inwardly determined to distrust his guide-book on all future occasions. The moon was up as they reached the post-house of Storta. The inn, or rather tavern, was a small wretched looking building, with a large courtyard attached, but the stables appeared nearly if not quite untenanted.

Punctual to his time, the new vetturino as to whose selection Sir Henry had been very particular arrived at Storta; and the whole party, with great willingness left the wretched inn, and its suspicious inmates. There certainly could not be a greater contrast, than between the two Vetturini.

The way that leads to it branches off by a side path for about three miles from the old diligence road between Florence and Rome at La Storta the last post station where horses were changed about eight miles from the city. It is situated amid ground so broken into heights and hollows that you see no indications of it until you come abruptly upon it, hid in a fold of the undulating Campagna.

But though Caesar had kept his intentions quiet, the Orsini had been forewarned, and, taking out all the troops they had by the gate of San Pancracio, they had made along detour and blocked Caesar's way; so, when the latter arrived at Storta, he found the Orsini's army drawn up awaiting him in numbers exceeding his own by at least one-half.

In the first place I asked about the wretched deceiver, and was told that he had made a slight meal, paid for it, and said he was going to spend the night at La Storta. We made a good dinner, and Betty plucking up a spirit said we must consider the case of her infamous betrayer, but for the last time. "Be a father to me," said she; "do not advise but command; you may reckon on my obedience.

Here a misshapen stone there a shattered column decaying walls, overgrown with nettles arches and caves, choked up with rank vegetation bespoke remains unheeded, and but rarely visited. George threw the boy a piece of silver heard his repeated cautions as to his way to Storta and wished him good night, as he hurried back to the cottage.

And heaven knows there are hills enough between Rome and Florence by the way of Aquapendente! These two words greatly amused the men to whom they were addressed. On reaching La Storta, the point from whence Rome is first visible, the traveller evinced none of the enthusiastic curiosity which usually leads strangers to stand up and endeavor to catch sight of the dome of St.

But though Caesar had kept his intentions quiet, the Orsini had been forewarned, and, taking out all the troops they had by the gate of San Pancracio, they had made along detour and blocked Caesar's way; so, when the latter arrived at Storta, he found the Orsini's army drawn up awaiting him in numbers exceeding his own by at least one-half.

Delme was in Rome two days; during which period, his depositions, as connected with Santado, were taken down; and he was informed that his presence during the trial would not be insisted on. Delme took that opportunity again to consult his medical friend; who accompanied him to Storta, to visit George; and prescribed a regimen calculated to invigorate the general system.

Nothing further occurred at Storta, to induce them to attach very great importance to the shock George's nerves had experienced; but in after life, Sir Henry always thought, he could date many fatal symptoms from that hour of intense excitement.