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'About that affair of Bommaney's, he said, feeling as if a rapid wheel had been somehow started in his brain. 'Ah! said Steinberg, writing rapidly, and speaking in a voice which seemed to indicate that he neither understood nor cared to understand, 'that affair of Bommaney's, eh? This reception was nothing less than dreadful to the young criminal.

At the Steinberg gate, where the chief assault had been prepared, Bax had caused great fires of straw and pitch barrels to be lighted, so that the invaders, instead of finding, as they expected, a profound gloom through the streets, saw themselves approaching a brilliantly illuminated city, fully prepared to give their uninvited guests a warm reception.

Barter and Steinberg came to be heard. 'You, Barter, said the learned Recorder, 'appear to have been drawn into this by the influence of an intelligence stronger and abler than your own. You appear, in a moment of weakness, to have been led away by that stronger intelligence from the paths of rectitude.

'I'm quite willing to go without resistance, said Mr. Barter from behind the table. 'I assisted in the capture, and I am ready to say anything. 'That's the first true word you've spoken, Steinberg snarled. 'You can take this thing off, holding out his hands. 'I'll go quietly. I can get bail in an hour. 'Don't have it taken off, Mr. Bommaney, not if we're to travel in the same vehicle.

Steinberg recognised him by the light of the gas-lamp. 'Good-evening, he said, nodding. 'Barter's here, I suppose. 'Sir, said Phil, with recovered coolness, a certain light of humour dawning in his mind, 'Mr. Barter is within, and I have no doubt will be very happy to see you. Steinberg cast a sidelong glance at him, and entered. Phil closed the door, and followed close upon his heels.

His style is classic, copious, and precise, and his volume of poems will always maintain a place in a library of Hebrew literature by the side of Mikal's version of Ovid and the admirable translation of the Sibylline books made by the eminent philologist Joshua Steinberg.

Let us take her back to the castle; she is a precious charge." "I will see to her," said Rudolph, "and it shall not be my fault if she ever have another protector." So the party regained the castle, where Von Steinberg and Julia were anxiously awaiting their return. When Adelaide had been carefully attended to, Rudolph sought his uncle and guests in the great hall.

Barter felt, to employ the expressive ideas of his set, that he had given himself away. Steinberg capped the question in his mind. What did I know last night? 'You haven't come to waste your time or mine, I suppose? You've come to say something. Why not say it?

Of novelists and romancers, in prose and in verse, Samuely may be mentioned, and Goldin, Berschadsky, Feierberg, J. Kahn, Berditchevsky, S. L. Gordon, N. Pines, Rabinovitz, Steinberg, and Loubochitzky, to name only a few among many. He has a fine critical mind and is an acute observer, as well as a remarkable stylist. Dr.

The introductions followed, and feeling very uncomfortable all the while, Frank and his companion were in due course made known to Baron Steinberg, Count Von Baumhof, and to the four other guests, whose names he did not catch; and then, by the help of Captain Murray and Sir Robert, a difficult conversation was carried on, the German officers assuming a haughty, condescending manner towards the Guardsmen, who were most warm in their welcome.