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The real Reception Committee, consisting of Mynheer in a burgomaster suit borrowed from a friend, and the four painters Marny as a Dutch Falstaff, Pudfut as a Spanish Cavalier, Stebbins got up as a Night Watch, and Malone in the costume of a Man-at-Arms all costumes loaned for the occasion by the antiquary in the next street were to await Joplin's coming in the privacy of the Gate almost a tunnel and so close to the door of the inn that it might have passed for a part of the establishment itself.

S'pose I no see you write him name in dat ere book you got? S'pose I no see you make him letter in de sand, wha we camp on Akansaw? You scratch am name ebberywha; you got um on de big box inside Mass' Stebbins's waggon. Ha! you better no let Mass' Stebbins see him name dar!" I would at that instant have given my horse for a glance at either box or book.

Stebbins needed to be a man of tact and management, for he was the real manager of that fortune of which "Mary, only surviving child of John Watkins, merchant and ship owner," was the legal possessor; and so tactful was Mr.

Then, noting the clamor outside growing louder, I went to the door and looked out, and found the Stebbins family in a frightful predicament. The mob had dragged Bertie and the chauffeur outside the car, and were yelling menaces and imprecations into their faces; poor Bertie was shouting back, that it wasn't his fault, how could he help it?

The stake which Stebbins had hitherto held, was too precious to be parted with on slight conditions.

Reed; and the evidence for the plaintiffs was closed, with these papers, and the examination of Stebbins, through whose hands they had come. The cross-examination of the different witnesses was still conducted by Mr.

The conspirators had owned up frankly to their share of the villany, and were hard at work concocting plans for its undoing. Marny was the one man in the group that would not be pacified; nothing that either Pudfut, Stebbins or Malone had said or could say changed his mind and the discussion, which had lasted all day, brought him no peace.

I scarcely felt joy that my life was saved; I almost wished that I had perished by the hands of the Indians! The strange story of the trapper, now fully corroborated by its own heroine with the additional facts obtained from herself were only partially the cause of the horrid fancies that now shaped themselves in my imagination. I could have but one belief about the intention of Stebbins.

Stebbins, he was a graduate of Harvard. Scholarly, and also able in business, he typified sound judgment and common sense, was conservative by nature, but fresh and vigorous of mind. He was active in the Sunday-school. We also were associated in club life and as fellow directors of the Lick School. Our friendship was uninterrupted for more than fifty years. I had great regard for Mrs.

"The Peases don't have any more than other folks," said still another big girl. The little crowd dispersed with scornful giggles. Comfort turned redder and redder. Rosy and Charlotte and Sarah were looking at her curiously; only Matilda stood firm. "You are all just as mean as you can be!" she cried. "She has got a gold ring!" Matilda Stebbins put her arm around Comfort, who was fairly crying.