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He had the Southerner's epicurean appreciation of the fine art of feasting. The groaning board had been his inheritance from a rollicking, rackety set of English ancestors, to whom dining was a rather splendid ceremony.

Bateman, to see the cold flash of the Southerner's dark eye yield to a warmer glow, and the haughty constraint melt into frank good-nature, under the influence of Lincoln's words of simple earnestness and unaffected cordiality. They got so far in half an hour that Lincoln could say, in his hearty way: "Colonel, how tall are you?" "Well, taller than you, Mr. Lincoln," replied the Mississippian.

The broad and loosely built frame of the Northerner, his shoulders slightly stooping, contrasted with Clarence's slighter figure, erect, compact, springy. The Southerner's eye, for that moment, was flint struck with the spark from the steel. Stephen's face, thinned by illness, was grave. The eyes kindly, yet penetrating. For an instant they stood thus regarding each other, neither offering a hand.

We shook out more speed just as a rifle spat its long flash at us from about a hundred yards ahead. For one moment I plainly saw the Southerner's figure. Kennedy reeled beside me, flung up his hands with a scream, and fell. His horse stopped at once. In a moment the lieutenant had ridden the sentry down.

Necessarily New York is the metropolis." "Oh, everything comes here," said Beaton, impatient of the elder's ponderosity. Another sort of man would have sympathized with the Southerner's willingness to talk of himself, and led him on to speak of his plans and ideals.

The liberties which men most cherish are those which are guaranteed to them by law among which one of the most important from the Southerner's point of view was the right to own negro bondsmen.

It ran: "Dear Dick: What stupid ideas they have of comedy here at West Point!" And, as Belle knew that she wasn't and couldn't be Dick's sweetheart, she had not hesitated to sign herself, "Lovingly, Belle." Dick passed each note in turn to Anstey. "Your town suhtinly raises real girls!" was the southerner's quiet comment. Dick felt like a new being.

He could not repress the youthful Southerner's love for this little bit of rhetoric. "And I believe that nothing is to be gained by going further into the matter, save for the purpose of finding out the whereabouts of this Brother Buford, and attending to his case as the facts warrant.

No Westerner can ever understand a Southerner's need of sympathy, and, however kind their hearts, they are unable to give it. Only a Southerner can understand how dear are our peculiar words and phrases, and poor little Molly took new courage when she found I knew what she meant when she said she was just "honin'" after a friendly voice.

Many Testimonials in Behalf of Negro Soldiers A Southerner's Statement Reconciliation Charleston News and Courier Good Marksmanship at El Caney Their Splendid Courage; Fought Like Tigers Never Wavered What Army Officers say Acme of Bravery-Around Santiago Saved the Life of his Lieutenant, but Lost his own "Black Soldier Boys," New York Mail and Express They Never Faltered The Negro Soldier; His Good-heartedness Mrs.