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If one is late those insolent attendants lose one's clothing, and there is no chance whatever of getting a good soft-handed slave to rub one down. Don't you hate to be currycombed by a rascal with corns on his fingers?" There were even birds, to fill the air with music.

"Freedom to the man who pulls him down!" was the incentive of Ahenobarbus. But again Drusus, who, to tell the truth, had to contend with only the flabby, soft-handed, unskilful underlings of Lucius, struck out so furiously that another of his attackers fell backward with a groan and a gasp. All this Cornelia saw while, sword in hand, she flew toward the knot of writhing men.

Not that I knew what it was about, but one can see somehow, you know. So I fell asleep; and when I woke, and came out, I met some one who understood me, and he told me that it was the famous maiden, the great philosopher. And that's what I know about philosophy. 'She was very much wasted then, on such soft-handed starvelings. Why don't she marry some hero?

We hold these things to be wrong to be a sort of crime against manhood. In a measure we are Puritan; not altogether in a religious sense, but in a moral and social one, certainly. We regard our horny hands with pride, and talk about "honest labour" with something more than a virtuous glow. We are apt to be rather down on city foplings and soft-handed respectabilities.

Welton exploded. "Look here, you little squirt!" he cried, "I'd have you know I'm riding logs yet. I don't suppose you'd know a log if you'd see one, you' soft-handed, degenerate, old riverhog, you! A golf ball's about your size!" "No," said Orde; "a fat old hippopotamus named Welton is about my size as I'll show you when we land at the Marsh!" Welton grinned. "How's Mrs.

He refused to answer, and deliberately gave himself up to dreams of her sweet face and of that last dark-blue glance. Next day he believed he was well enough to leave his room; but Mrs. Belding would not permit him to do so. She was kind, soft-handed, motherly, and she was always coming in to minister to his comfort.

But the women who were with them, and who were well-nigh as timorous as the men, were those two gaily- dad ones, and they were soft-handed and white-skinned, save for the last days of weather in the wood; for they had been bed-thralls of the Dusky Men. Such were the new-comers to the wood.

Not an imp thereof, but Satan himself, stood in the misshapen boots of Cowman Pete; doubly vicious in the aftermath of a debauch, Pete with the lust of blood in his veins. And against him, scant hope to those who watched, was a man; tall, but not heavy, smooth-cheeked as a boy of fourteen, soft-eyed, soft-handed, without the semblance of a weapon.

First and foremost at association but also at political rights, as grounded both on the Christian ideal of the Church, and on the historic facts of the Anglo-Saxon race. "This is a puling, quill-driving, soft-handed age among our own rank, I mean.

I know that soft-handed brood with their well-fed bodies and their treacherous mouths. If only they would let me carry on the road!" he cried passionately, "I would drag them out of the houses where they batten on poor men's families and set them to work till the palms of their hands were honestly blistered. Let the Mullahs have a care, Safdar Khan. I go North to-morrow to Kohara."