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I snatched a cutlass from the pile, and some one, at the same time snatching another, gave me a cut across the knuckles which I hardly felt. I dashed out of the door into the clear sunlight. Some one was close behind, I knew not whom.

Thus existence for these scholars was divided between the home life of a farm and the hours of school. To them teaching was never refused, and their board was provided by the farmers, who "would be snatching them from one and other," since they assisted the other children in preparing tasks.

There was something so kind and affectionate in his voice and manner, that Mary could not repress her tears, and snatching up her bonnet which she had thrown aside she hid her face in it and again wept. For a time, Mr.

"If Mawg had troubled you, I would have killed him!" said he fiercely. And, snatching the girl to her feet, he crushed her for a moment vehemently to his great breast. "But why," he went on, "did you follow me so secretly all day?" "I was afraid you would be angry, and send me back," she answered, with a sigh of content.

Having commanded the animals to go on shouting for at least half-an-hour, he left them and commenced to climb the steep and narrow path. He had to go gingerly on his hands and knees. There were places where he slipped back two steps for every one he advanced. By snatching at rocks and bushes, he dragged himself slowly to the turning which brought him in sight of the entrance.

Thus restore repose to her soul, and peace to our beloved country. The Queen, who will throw herself at your feet if need be, Cinq-Mars calmly replaced the pistol upon the table; his first impulse had been to turn its muzzle upon himself. However, he laid it down, and snatching a pencil, wrote on the back of the letter;

"The General upstairs," said he, "is snatching a short repose after the labours of the day. Would not tomorrow morning early tomorrow morning " "No," said Henri, advancing, and thrusting himself in at the open door, "tomorrow morning will be too late; and I am sure your General is too good a soldier to care for having his rest broken; tell me which is his room, and I'll step up to him.

Raoul emptied the glass at one draught, and a faint color returned to his ashy cheeks. He arose, and snatching up his hat, cried fiercely: "Come along!" But before he had walked half a square, the factitious energy inspired by drink deserted him. He clung to Clameran's arm, and was almost dragged along in the direction of the banker's house, trembling like a criminal on his way to the scaffold.

The uncanny captain swayed to within a foot or two of the general and his adjutant, then stood still, giggled foolishly, and snatched at the orders on His Excellency's chest like a child snatching at a beam of light. "Beautiful shines beautifully " he gurgled in a thick voice. Then he pointed his frightfully thin, trembling forefinger up at the sun and shrieked, "Sun!"

When the robber saw this, he said to himself, 'This is a strange thing, and there must needs be some extraordinary cause to it. Then, snatching up the saddle-bags, he took Zumurrud on his shoulders and made off with both like the blinding lightning. So she took patience and submitted herself to the ordinance of God, saying, 'There is no god but God!