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The microscope reveals the presence of a slender groove running throughout the length. And that is all. The insect repeatedly taps the Snail's mantle with its instrument. It all happens with such gentleness as to suggest kisses rather than bites.

Then they set off at a snail's pace, for the Bull said they had still a little further to go, and so they crossed over many high hills and thick woods. So after awhile they got upon the fells. 'Do you see anything? asked the Bull. 'No, I see nothing but the sky, and the wild fell', said the King's daughter. So when they clomb higher up, the fell got smoother, and they could see further off.

The grass at the spring was anything but desirable for our horses, and there was scarcely a ration left for the men. This last consideration would not prevent our giving the horses a day's rest wherever grass could be found. We followed the dry sandy bed of the Cariso nearly all day, at a snail's pace, and at length reached the 'little pools' where the grass was luxuriant but very salt.

Why not stop this snail's pace of earnin' and go to livin' like gentlemen like some Careyville men I know who own hundreds of acres they never earned and they won't improve so's to help others?" "You're right there," a farmer sitting beside Asher Aydelot called out. "We all know how Careyville got her start. It's kept some of us poor doing it. I'll invest in Town Company stock right now."

Probably the fact that his first boat foundered when at anchor in the Seine would have procured him a rough reception, if he had offered to equip the whole of the Boulogne flotilla with an invention which had sunk its first receptacle and propelled the second boat at a snail's pace. Besides, he had already met with one repulse from Napoleon.

"It was a good meeting didn't you think so, Sally?" she let fall, casually, as she sat down at the table. Surely Mrs. Seal must realize that Mary had been extraordinarily efficient? "But we go at such a snail's pace," said Sally, shaking her head impatiently. At this Mary burst out laughing, and all her arrogance was dissipated.

James's, will never believe, it was half an hour after three before his Danish Majesty's courier could go and return to let him know that his good brother and ally was leaving the palace in which they both were, in order to receive him at the Queen's palace, which you know is about a million of snail's paces from St. James's.

To put back in the teeth of such weather was hopeless; and the attempt to run before it ended as we know. When Ruby looked up, after the crash, and saw her friends running along the headland to catch a glimpse of the wreck, her anger returned. She stood for twenty minutes at least, watching them; then, pulling her cloak closely round her, walked homewards at a snail's pace.

The team was fagged out, and we were tired of walking at a snail's pace beside it. When we reached country that the driver thoroughly knew, we thought it safe to leave him, and we loped in one night across a distance which it took the wagon the three following days to cover. It was a beautiful moonlight night, and the ride was delightful. All day long we had plodded at a walk, weary and hot.

Instead of being made fast to a tree, the trap was bound by a short chain to a heavy wooden clog, and he found that by pulling with all his might he could drag it at a snail's pace through the snow. So off he went on three legs, hauling the trap and clog by the fourth, with the blood oozing out around the steel jaws and leaving a line of bright crimson stains behind him.