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The mind gains greater skillfulness by the intelligence which directs it. The result is all the difference between a mere drudge and an intelligent workman; between the mere salesman or clerk and the enterprising merchant; between the obscure and pettifogging lawyer and the sagacious, influential counselor.

Just in the way of anybody entering the room, he had painted, on the bare floor, exact representations of a new quill pen and a very expensive-looking sable brush, lying all ready to be trodden upon by entering feet. Fresh visitors constantly attested the skillfulness of these imitations by involuntarily stooping to pick up the illusive pen and brush; Mr.

The Emperor smiled at the oratorical skillfulness of General Vandamme, and contented himself with saying, "Well, well! say no more, but be more circumspect in future." General Vandamme, happy to have escaped with so gentle an admonition, returned to Lantza to resume his command.

But although even to-day it is still currently repeated by some in good faith, like parrots who recite their stereotyped phrases; by others in bad faith, with polemical skillfulness that socialism is synonymous with equality and leveling; the truth is, on the contrary, that scientific socialism the socialism which draws its inspiration from the theory of Marx, and which alone to-day is worthy of support or opposition, has never denied the inequality of individuals, as of all living beings inequality innate and acquired, physical and intellectual.

With a little more skillfulness in the use of his pen, he might have given his enemy even a stronger hold on him than the hold she had got already. The interval day passed, and with the next morning's post Mrs. Milroy's threat came realized in the shape of a letter from her husband. "The Cottage, Thorpe Ambrose, Friday, July 11, 1851.

The Emperor smiled at the oratorical skillfulness of General Vandamme, and contented himself with saying, "Well, well! say no more, but be more circumspect in future." General Vandamme, happy to have escaped with so gentle an admonition, returned to Lantza to resume his command.

You shall find plenty of honest lawyers if you really need them; and in matters involving large interests you had better employ them. Especially avoid the mistake of making your own "last will and testament" unless you have great legal skillfulness. Better leave no will at all than one inefficiently constructed.

Barker lifted his firstborn with proud skillfulness, but that sagacious infant evidently knew when he was comfortable, and in a paroxysm of objection caught his father's curls with one fist, while with the other he grasped Mrs. Horncastle's brown braids and brought their heads into contact. Upon which humorous situation Norah, the nurse, entered. "It's all right, Norah," said Mrs.

'What women do know nowadays! he says. 'You can't deceive 'em as you could in my time. 'What they knowed then was not small, said John Upjohn. 'Always a good deal more than the men! Why, when I went courting my wife that is now, the skillfulness that she would show in keeping me on her pretty side as she walked was beyond all belief.

Yet, notwithstanding all the manifest skillfulness of its contrivance, and the power of its accomplishment, and the niceness and beauty of its execution, it were a useless display if unaccompanied with the invisible agents which compose the two other grand constituents of man, to wit: the body electrical and the spirit, or mind.