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They know by old experience that when they get hold of a presumption-tadpole he is not going to STAY tadpole in their history-tank; no, they know how to develop him into the giant four-legged bullfrog of FACT, and make him sit up on his hams, and puff out his chin, and look important and insolent and come-to-stay; and assert his genuine simon-pure authenticity with a thundering bellow that will convince everybody because it is so loud.

You can be as full of moral passion as you like the fuller the better. The Opposition can always be the Simon-pure reformers. I'm not discouraging you in fact, we want you to be that." The doctor interrupted him, impatiently: "But I must not expect anything to come of it.

I simply said, "If you call this camping out, all right but it isn't the style I am used to; my little baggage that I brought along is at a discount." It grew dark, and they put candles on the tables candles set in bright, new, brazen candlesticks. And soon the bell a genuine, simon-pure bell rang, and we were invited to "the saloon."

If detected the entire house has conferred upon it the name of panel house, and is ever afterwards described and known as such in police and court records. The real, Simon-pure panel thief is generally a young and pretty female, who has been initiated into the mysteries of the game by either a gambler or a lover, and of whom she is the mistress.

And he explained his project: "I will build a house for you, send for your wife and child, put you all together, and start you in life. I am going into the basket business, and I want you to look after my willows. After they are pretty well grown you shall get in some families Simon-Pure Moravians, you know and we will have a village of our own. D'ye hear me?"

"No, he couldn't either; he couldn't and not be responsible if the other end died, which it would. In my opinion that man ain't in his right mind." "In my opinion he hain't got any mind." No. 3 said: "Well, he's a lummox, anyway." "That's what he is;" said No. 4. "He's a labrick just a Simon-pure labrick, if there was one." "Yes, sir, he's a dam fool. That's the way I put him up," said No. 5.

It may be, too, that this is one of the reasons for the constant changes in most suburban houses, for it is equally axiomatic that once an alien becomes acclimated she takes on a clientèle of adopted relatives, who in the course of time become as much of a drain upon the treasury of the household as the Simon-Pure article. The Brinleys had been through the domestic mill in its every phase.

That hardest thing in the whole range of human action to overcome, either by God or man or the devil prejudice they had, in the Simon-pure form, superlatively refined. The original treasure of God's Word was about as much overlaid and hidden away by writings about it as it has been in some other times. Of course they were looking for a Messiah, the one hope of their sacredly guarded literature.

Didn't you tell me that a trip would do me good? We shall not come home for a few weeks. My secretary has spoken of an old Indian whom she knows, a perfect mine of simon-pure folk-lore. He lives some-where up the coast, about a day's journey, I think. We may visit him. With her to interpret for me, I may get some very valuable notes. I may add that we are both very keen on notes.

Metre and rhyme, I grant you long and short but show me the afflatus! They make verse with a penknife, like their wooden nutmegs. They are perfect Chinese for ingenuity and imitation, and the resemblance to the real Simon-pure is very perfect externally. But when it comes to grating the nut for negus, we miss the aroma!"